MovieChat Forums > Man of Steel (2013) Discussion > MOS is a near masterpiece, but here's on...

MOS is a near masterpiece, but here's one thing I would change

Introduction (can skip if you want)

Firstly I should probably start by saying MOS is one of my favourite films, how I felt watching it on the big screen back in 2013 honestly has not been rivalled by any other film yet and this is coming from someone who considers himself a bit of a cinema snob and an aspiring filmmaker, with an aim to show that you can like avant garde art films and summer blockbusters.

Okay the bit I'd change:
People always talk about how Pa Kents death was a weak point but I'm going to disagree and say I felt it wasn't bad at all, however I do feel this one change would've made it so much better!

They should've gone the smallville route and had him die of a heart attack to show that not even superman can save everyone and then have Ma Kent say this "You can't save everybody Clark" and that would reinforce the whole film, because as we saw he couldn't save everybody and this also follows through to BVS

Sneaky other thing I'd change:
Get rid of the church scene, or at least move it earlier it just really throws the pace off it always drives me crazy

Other than that I genuinely think this is a near perfect film, I truly, truly love this film

Interested in hearing what you think!

"Like Tears In The Rain"


I agree, this film gets better and better the more I see it. To your point about Pa Kent's death. I actually feel the opposite, IMO, it strengthens Superman's decision to kill Zod toward the end of the movie. Like the scene with his father, Zod puts Superman into a situation his decision to use his powers or not has an emotional weight. NOT using his powers earlier in the movie leads to Pa Kent dieing. With Zod, his decision TO use his powers, costs Zod his life, hence the emotional release by Superman after killing Zod, expressing the frustration with ultimately learning his powers do not mean he can save everyone whether it is father or a foe.


First of all, he was using his powers all along, Zods death has nothing to do with it and it shouldn´t have.
About that emotional weight, we never see Superman grow, as a man and as a hero. He acts like a teenager the whole movie. And that, is poor character development. The movie doesn´t feed that side of superman, it shoehorns two scenes in wich there is supposed to be a character growth but we never see it. And it is never again referenced or even seen. You just have to believe what they say. Remenber that basic character driven rule, "show, don´t tell"?
Still, the creators of MOS should have picked a better "scenario", because it wasn´t realistic, or as realistic as it should have been as to simbolize all those feelings you have referenced. Makes the scene look forced, wich in fact is coeherent with the manner wich Zack decided to "introduce" his version of Superman.


I'm so glad this sparked such friendly debate and discussion for once, I quite enjoyed reading all of your thoughts and feelings, guess there's still hope for the internet ;)

"Like Tears In The Rain"


It is a masterpiece, the only thing I'd change is Amy Adams as Lois Lane. She was totally wrong for the part. To this day I don't think they've got Lois Lane right in any incarnation. MOS was the Superman movie I'd been waiting for since the 70s. Glad I didn't die yet so I got to see it.


I liked the movie, but the Amy Adams point is the ONLY thing you got right.

Clark doesn't want the military to know where he hangs his cape, but then he tells them that he's from Kansas, has been here for 33 years, there's a battle in Kansas in which only one house/family is SPECIFICALLY targeted....but they'll NEVER find out where he hangs his cape!!!

As I said, I liked the movie. I got a lot more out of it the second time I watched it. But it is no where near a masterpiece.


He doesn't live there anymore, that's his parents house. He doesn't hang his cape in Kansas anymore, he only visits from time to time. Like mom is going still the beans if the military comes asking. The military was only around during the fight with Faora-Ul in the main part of town. I doubt they're going to go out to a farm house afterward.

It's a comic book movie, do you expect a super hero movie to reflect 100% of reality or can you just not suspend your disbelief? It is a masterpiece.


He doesn't live there anymore, that's his parents house.

Oh. Ok then. So if they found out that is his PARENT'S home, they won't be able to find out who he is.

Right. Got it.



They didn't find out did they! Just say you hate the movie, that's all you need to say. Lol


That's just it - I don't hate the movie. I actually liked it more the second time I saw it.

But that doesn't change the fact that there are some really stupid things in it.


As there are in EVERY super hero movie as well as almost every other movie ever made.


"As there are in EVERY super hero movie as well as almost every other movie ever made."

Not to the point where they were so glaringly obvious that they ended up hurting the film to such an enormous extent, nor should it be an excuse. Every movie is going to have some sort of flaw, but one has to view things in proportion and consider whether or not the good outweighs the bad. In "MOS'" case, the latter severely outweighed the former.


Of course every movie has errors. But, there are some errors which are equivalent to a paper cut, and there are errors which are the equivalent to cutting the jugular.

Not that you can't survive getting your jugular cut, but it does weaken you (the movie)


Thr biggest thing I would change is the death of Jonathan. I also after that Amy Adams is a horrible Lois Lane, not to mention she has a below average face.
I also would reluctantly get rid of the neck snapping though I don't know how Zod could be defeated if he wasn't sucked into the black hole... Plus how would we get Doomsday?

1. BVS 2. TWS 3. Avengers


I think Amy Adams is pretty, but she is wrong for the part. I know her question about "What if I have to tinkle" was meant to fool them into thinking she was just a girl reporter, but it didn't feel right for her playing that character. Lois Lane (in the classic sense) could probably out-pee most guys. Amy just wasn't tough enough for the role of Lois.

I didn't have a problem with Jonathan's death - it showed how dedicated he was to protecting his son's secret - and we see what happens the moment they find out he's here. He's not trusted and is hunted.

And I also don't have an issue with breaking Zod's neck. He can Superman are equal in strength, so Superman would be able to do such a thing. I certainly don't have an issue with him killing someone who vowed (and tried) to kill everyone on earth.


While I think there was a better way to present it, the Jonathan Kent death scene makes more sense for Man of Steel vs the heart attack scene from Superman. Or at least I understand why they did it. It's because of theme.

Man of Steel had a theme of restraint while Superman has a theme closer to what you mentioned of not being able to save everyone.

So let's, for the sake of conversation, presume Man of Steel dealt with restraint. You have the scene where he saved the bus filled with kids which Jonathan told him he probably shouldn't have done. He resists hurting the bullies while crushing a metal pipe. He endures the guy at the tavern. And at the climax he abandons restraint and kills Zod.

In Superman, he is told by his father that he was sent to earth for a special reason and almost immediately after, his father dies and Clark is powerless to save him. He leaves for 12 years and when he returns, starts a campaign to save everyone he can from cats in trees to an airplane full of people. And at the climax he is forced into a choice where he can't save everyone choosing to reverse time to give himself the chance to save Lois.

Again, I think what they chose to fit with theme was a little clumsy but in Man of Steel, he had to make the choice; not have it left to random fate like a heart attack.


I am fine Jonathan died, I wasn't fine he died because of something clark could have saved him from.
No point trying to show mercy to the stupid, they wouldn't know what to do with it anyway


It's definitely not a "masterpiece", not even close to being one. It's just a soulless, derivative, half-baked version of "Superman 1" and "2" but with more action and destruction.


Honestly I would change everything. I thought this film was terrible and don't think its a masterpiece. I'm fine if people like it, but saying its a masterpiece is just a stretch.

