It's easy to forget..

How many lame garbage chick flick and other various horrible movies Matthew mcconaughey has been in. He's raised his game some lately but he was pretty much a laughing stock. Look at his girly movies they're like all exactly the same movie pretty much even the posters are barely different except a new title and 'it' girl for that year. He's gonna have to give about 4-5 more quality performances before I forgive him for the utter garbage he's been in.


Have you seen any of his drama movies? He's a fantastic actor when it comes to drama. I'll admit the majority of his chick flicks are lame, but Dallas Buyers Club, Interstellar, and his character on True Detective were all great roles for him.


That's what drives him, certainly. Your forgiveness.


*shrugs* It's a living. To me it's just kind of weird seeing Kevin Hart play the heavy.
