Graphic Nudity?

I was wondering how often people were naked. Do you think a group of seventeen year olds could handle it? We're doing a paper for a lit class and came across this film while researching foreign films to watch. We really want to watch it, but aren't really interested if we have to see full frontal male nudity. Thanks for your help!


The opening scene shows a family vacationing at a nude beach where we see adults and children nude.

There's a scene with a woman and a man sharing a bath and she's topless

There's a scene of the main characters sunbathing, including the women being topless.

I believe there's a scene in prison with full frontal nudity from one of the men.

"Unless Alpert's covered in bacon grease, I don't think Hugo can track anything."



Me, I was much more worried about the moral implications of seeing nearly every character in the film chainsmoking. So glad it's not the 70s any more.


You´re funny. You worry more about people being naked than getting beaten or killed in this movie. Isnt that pretty sick? How can nudity be more "dangerous" than violence? americans are for sure very strange when it comes to "moral" and nudity.

Show the american a naked female breast, and he calls it immoral pornography. Cut the breast of and it´s called violence and therefore absolutely harmless.


Everything concerning nudity doesnt have to do with sex you know. In this movie they also show little kids naked in a nude beach. But hey, its not for sexual purpose, hence its got nothing to do with pedohilia. Hard to get, isnt it?



"Do you think a group of seventeen year olds could handle it?"

I think they can, they are not amoebas and we are not in the 50's, I hope, but I am 40 and life tend to amaze me enormously!

I believe that a 17 years old person may be even more sexually "advanced" than his/her's parents.

However a 17 years old person won't handle (I really hope), this anti-sexuality, religious, mambo-jumbo extravaganza, which is totally force-fed and without any consent.

Sexuality remains THE top censored human function ever, they are so afraid of it. I'm sure they have their very own reasons to be so afraid of their body. In some countries LGBT people are being executed (!!!) while in more civilized ones they are being lynched!

Kids and teens do need sexual education though, but not censorship or moral cops.

...but in the end it's always like this:

Kill them all, invade their lands, destroy their freedom, act as you like or show whatever you like, nuke the world, but DON'T YOU DARE TO EVER THINK OF POPPING OUT A TIT OR A PENIS ON SCREEN! WHAT WILL BECOME OUR POOR POOR POOR INNOCENT CHILDREN, YOU PERVERT? HUH?




It's a shame there were so many condescending answers to your perfectly reasonable question, HMYJNASxx. My grandmother is ok with violence, but not with sex and nudity; she would not want to watch a film with some huge German tool swinging around on her TV screen. If people don't want to be exposed to nudity then that is perfectly normal and their prerogative.


The question wasn't "I don't want to see nudity, is there nudity?" but "Do you think 17-year-olds can handle the amount of nudity?"

The first option would be totally fine, but the actual question was very messed up.

If I never meet you in this life, let me feel the lack
