Computer generated?

Am I the only one who got the impression that several sequences in the film were computer generated? Many of the shots were *too* perfect, or were taken from impossible angles (for example, stormy waters seen from above at close range, but without the vibrations and imperfections one would expect in footage taken from a helicopter or other aircraft flying in strong winds). As I was watching the film, I kept thinking "Gosh, I thought this was a documentary, but it has the look and feel of CGI."



It's awesome. You HAVE to see it!

<Generation "me" is an EPIC FAIL>


Yes i believe some of the scenes were definitely CGI.

Oceans i though was ok, not a patch though on Planet Earth by the BBC/David Attenborough, no fakery from them!


batwister : Disney were not involved in the financing or shooting of this movie , they're just releasing it.

Blame or praise the producers.

Microcosmos or Winged Migration would be a more accurate reflection on who did what ...


The post from the OP and other users who think alike, speak volumes about how disconnected we are from the "real world" and how much we are accustomed to watch all that CGI crap.
People simply don't believe that nature is far more impressive, majestic and amazing than anything a computer can create. It's quite sad but it's true. Here's another reason to make these kind of docus: To show to all those who never leaves their office/home/computer, how grandiose is nature.

That scene when you can see the boat (easily 50 meters in length, if not more) looking like a paper ship in the middle of those gigantic waves, was simply a breathtaking and REAL moment.


It's sad when filming the real world with optimal gear is percieved as computer made, we need to stop watching transformers and the likes...

Of course I can understand people questioning it as many do but not to blatantly say "that's CGI for sure". Even more so when the best camera they've held in their hands is the one in their iPhone.

And another thing is that people seem to mix together CGI with normal enhancing methods like enhanced contrasts, sharper lines etc. CGI is a full-scale virtual reality whereas normal enhancing methods just make the real thing look better.


Just saw the film and researched the hell out of it. THERE IS NO CGI IN THIS MOVIE. There is one small bit at the end where the camera pulls out into space, but that's it. None of the nature footage is CG.

I don't think people are aware that this is the most expensive nature film ever produced. They had 70 Million in their budget, so they had the luxury of doing shots over and over until they got them perfect. That's why everything in the film looks perfect. I have no idea why people think the school of fish is computer generated. Have you never seen a school of fish? They all look and move perfectly like that. That's one of the wonders of the seas. The crabs looked fake? I've seen multiple pieces of footage that depict the exact same thing. Have you never watched Deadliest Catch? They pull cages out of the ocean with like 400 crabs in each cage. The sea floor is littered with them. As for the perfect shot of the dolphins swimming. Again, I don't get why this is so impossible to film. They have so many kinds of stabilizing technologies now, that you can easily have a shot with no trembling and shaking whatsoever. I don't know how they followed them so precisely, but I can already think of 2 or 3 ways they can do it. They easily could've used zip lines with a camera attaced.

Remember, you only see about 10 seconds of perfect footage. They could have been out there for weeks just for that perfect 10 seconds. I think the fact that people think this film uses CGI just serves as testimony to how innovative and great this Director really is.

Look at the behind-the-scenes footage of his other film Winged Migration, just so you can understand the extent at which this guy goes to for the perfect shot. In that film, they had footage of Geese flying and the camera fight behind them getting a perfect shot of them flying in mid-air. The way they achieved that was to raise those birds themselves, and from the time they were born they exposed them to the airplane so that they could feel comfortable flying around it. So finally when they time came and they were all grown up, they were able to get hours of perfect footage. Ya, this guy is serious about his shots.




yeah I made a thread about it called "nice CGI" and none replied. probably because people are too plain and don't even know what CGI means.


Even if there are moments of CGI in there it's not that terrible, some things are very difficult/impossible to film and must be presented in another fashion. There are "manufactured" scenes in Planet Earth as well. Nothing wrong with it if it gives you the best portrayal as possible of certain events.


What?? Look, I don't know about Planet Earth, but I can guarantee you that there isn't a single use of CGI in Océans. I happen to know very well a guy who shot a big part of the movie and helped writing the scenario. They used new devices, like an effective submarine microphone, but no CGI.

"364 days... till the next Pretzel day."


Instead of assuming that people are idiots, maybe just no one cared about your post?
