MovieChat Forums > Brothers (2009) Discussion > Natalie Portman at her prettiest?

Natalie Portman at her prettiest?

I've always thought Natalie Portman was beautiful. Even back when I was a kid and I saw her in Leon/The Professional. But I have to say, in this film she looked absolutely gorgeous, maybe it's because of the vulnerability of her character.

Does anyone else think she looks her best in this movie? If not, in what movie(s) do you think she looks the most beautiful?

Giggidy! Giggidy!


I'm not sure if she looked her best or not, but she is extremely beautiful. She looks like a modern day Audrey Hepburn.


Natalie Portman is a pretty face that's it. She has Hollywood connections that gave her her start, she's really not too great of an actress she does the same thing in every movie..Her fake American accent is laughable, it ruins the illusion And I immediately am reminded she's attempting to act. She's an entitled little spoiled whore in real life too..she's ruined more than several relationships with her homewrecking..she gets what she wants..made me queezy seeing her at the Oscars knocked up..she's always got this pleading look and tone about her as if she desperately needs everyone's approval that she's beautiful and great when she's just another run of the mill spoiled Hollywood ho.
