MovieChat Forums > Home of the Brave (2007) Discussion > Should have been called Home of the Brai...

Should have been called Home of the Brainwashed

Or maybe Home of the Dumb. Whats brave about killing innocent people? Well, anyway, surprise surprise America churns out another propaganda piece to help its stupid population feel even prouder of the evil their armed forces are out in the world committing. Is it any wonder they have the President they have? Maybe the USA deserves to be the way it is, but really, Americans are happy with how things are, its the rest of us that suffer. Americans are generally dumb, so they are in favour of stuff like their foreign policy, but who really suffers? The rest of the world! 11/9, while being a tragedy in terms of lives lost, showed America how much the rest of the world hates them and should have been their signal to look inwards and stay out of things they know nothing about, ei the rest of the planet, but no, they used it as an excuse to impose their uneducated will on the whole world and thereby garner even more hate. Sorry America, I hope one day you are able to get an education and sort yourself out, but in the meantime we cannot continue to allow you to act like this. America reminds me of the baby in Honey I Blew Up The Baby, so big and powerful that it does whatever it wants but with no thought or understanding so it just causes chaos and destruction - a giant baby...


I think that Rabocop was brainwashed by stupid people. We have a nice proverb here in Germany:"Wenn man keine Ahnung hat einfach mal die Schnauze halten (When you don't know what's going on, just shut your face)"

Back to the movie, my opinion is that Samuel L. Jackson and Jessica Biel did an amazing job. Specially Jessica Biel's acting in the bathroom scene was great.


The war on terror started way back before 9/11, try back the Olympics in the 70s when those atheletes were executed. The terrorists responsible were only held for a little bit, set free without a slap on the wrist. Then there was that incident in the 90s when Islamic facists executed americans on a boat. Clinton responded by launching a bomb in the middle of nowhere. I believe the war on terror was a great move, while you're right if you say that not all terrorists aren't in Iraq, it's a start, I believe we should be in iran personally, but still, all terrorists respond to is strength. If you show fear, that shows that you can be easily dominated, which is why they even attacked us on 9/11.

Also, how the hell are we also responsible for 9/11? It's not like we're the ones brainwashing all the children in Iraq and Iran to come bomb us, seriously.


You are living in a paranoid dreamworld.

Your above statement is a jumble of half truths. You may benefit from reading up on history. The reasons WHY something like 9/11 would happen are in plain sight.

Maybe a quick Google on the last 50 years of history of Iran and Israel might put you on the right path.

There is no need for the people of The Middle East to brainwash their children. The £30 Billion in Military aid for Israel announced today will buy plenty of cluster bombs to drop all over Lebanon and The West Bank.

"An investment in peace" according to the U.S. Government.

"There must be some way outta here" said the Joker to the Thief.



Hey, Rabocop is your name Osama bin Laden??


Sometimes I'm really ashamed to be an American.

People are out there questioning what is happening and all you "patriots" can do is call them brainwashed?? Haha, Bush is the biggest brainwasher of all.

I'm surprised people can just take 9/11 as pure fact, no questions at all.

You like to go on about how powerful America is, about who is going to stop us but never ask question about how something like 9/11 could happen in the first place. There is a little thing called airspace control...where were the fighters to stop those planes? Do you really think that this could happen if people in power didn't want it to happen? 3,000 lives lost was just collateral damage for control and oil in the Middle East. BTW, I would hate America too if you invaded my country and killed 650,000 of my fellow citizens.

It really makes me sick when I hear people on this board saying things like, "who is going to stop us?" That is scary.


aivlispdx, I'm sorry that you are ashamed to be an American.

Yes, there has been the spinning of the truth, but four planes were taken for a criminal purpose in 2001. Ah yes, airspace-seaspace control. No, it can never be perfect. Canada is a larger country than the United States, and it only had two CF-18 and an Aurora patrolling ALL of Canada at the time. Mexico wasn't much better. The US airspace control system is still based on NORAD, which expects a ballistic missile attack from the non-existent USSR. Also, since the rules of engagement were not established, shooting down a large civilian airliner would not be at a pilot's discretion at that time.

As for the US occupation of Iraq, yes it is potentially a "war crime" because the US is a signatory of the United Nations, which only allows self-defence as a reason to fight a war. Regardless, it is clear (if anything in this world can be clear) that the US never thought rebuilding Iraq as a US-friendly ally would be difficult (planners really thought US troops would be out of there in 6 months WITHOUT "wimpy, left-leaning" United Nations help because the Project for a New America said so). I can't speak to what is exactly is happening there, but it just seems that people are getting desperate.

****** SPOILERS ********

As for this movie, I enjoyed it. It would rate it a 4/10. This is because I enjoyed Jessica Biel's performance, the editing and the cinematography was good. A lot of the other major players performance was mediocre. Worse yet, the movie does not have an opinion for the war. We still have they lip-ringed son against the war, a veteran re-enlisting, a surgeon who hates Bush and a widow who believe her husband died a hero. The movie is about veterans, let's not forgot that.


Ahh you wrote it 11/9...good going, that shows you're one of those *beep* tea-sippers across the pond that cry whenever something needs to be done in the world.


Yeah, welcome in George Orwells 1984.
