MovieChat Forums > Home of the Brave (2007) Discussion > Should have been called Home of the Brai...

Should have been called Home of the Brainwashed

Or maybe Home of the Dumb. Whats brave about killing innocent people? Well, anyway, surprise surprise America churns out another propaganda piece to help its stupid population feel even prouder of the evil their armed forces are out in the world committing. Is it any wonder they have the President they have? Maybe the USA deserves to be the way it is, but really, Americans are happy with how things are, its the rest of us that suffer. Americans are generally dumb, so they are in favour of stuff like their foreign policy, but who really suffers? The rest of the world! 11/9, while being a tragedy in terms of lives lost, showed America how much the rest of the world hates them and should have been their signal to look inwards and stay out of things they know nothing about, ei the rest of the planet, but no, they used it as an excuse to impose their uneducated will on the whole world and thereby garner even more hate. Sorry America, I hope one day you are able to get an education and sort yourself out, but in the meantime we cannot continue to allow you to act like this. America reminds me of the baby in Honey I Blew Up The Baby, so big and powerful that it does whatever it wants but with no thought or understanding so it just causes chaos and destruction - a giant baby...


I think you may need some assistance in forcibly extracting your hollow cranium from your rectal cavity.


Whats brave about killing innocent people?

that's a question better posed to the terrorists of the world and the insurgent that killing iraqi cilivians.
Well, anyway, surprise surprise America churns out another propaganda piece to help its stupid population feel even prouder of the evil their armed forces are out in the world committing.

statements like that reveal nothing more than your igronance to things outside of whichever country you are out of. the latest poll shows that majority of americans disapprove of the direction of iraqi war and the potus. this film does nothing to promote american involvement in iraq, but rather garner support for the troops.
11/9, while being a tragedy in terms of lives lost, showed America how much the rest of the world hates them and should have been their signal to look inwards and stay out of things they know nothing about

again, more evidences of your mental incapacity. foreign relationship with the rest of the world was fine until the invasion of iraq. after 911, far from the rest of the world 'hating' us, they were quite supportive of our efforts in afghanstan. americans were not totally ignorant of the causes of islamic fundamenalists' hatred for america as evidents by numerous articles on muslim extremists published after 911.
but in the meantime we cannot continue to allow you to act like this.

i hate to sound pompous but who's stopping us? who's 'we'? if america is just a big baby which country is powerful enough to 'parent' it?

"Bike racing, rider is 80% of the equation, where as f1,in cars, I'd say the car is 80% of the eq."


"America churns out another propaganda piece..."

Wait, what? First of all, "America" didn't churn out anything, a movie studio did. And how is this movie propaganda? It's a sub-par movie about soldiers suffering physical and mental anguish upon returning home. Yeah, I'm sure people will be lining up around the block to sign up now! Who wouldn't want a blown-off hand and a case of alcoholism, especially when you pair it with promises of low pay and substandard healthcare?!

Rabocop... you might want to stay out of advertising.

Oh, do us a favor and stay out of foreign policy as well. I doubt your countrymen would appreciate your "stick your head in the sand" response to attacks.


What, you don't get that its the terrorists who are responding to attacks? If you throw a rock at my head and I slap your face, am I perpertrating an attack on you that requires retaliation? Or did you just throw the rock to start a fight so you could beat me up and steal my wallet? Think on this.


lol common are you guys gonna actually take some nerd called robocop seriously.



Way to tell it, Airborne. Spot on.



Its not really correct to say we never killed a single innocent person. There have been cases of murder by U.S. Military personnel. Its very hard using absolutes when dealing with humanity. However, I think the TC never even watched the movie because of the brave is a play on words trying to show that the bravery really begins when they return home.


Your most significant error, is that you confuse the terrorist attack of September 11th, and the following US response of sending troops into Afghanistan in search of Bin Laden, with the US invasion of Iraq. Unfortunately, our President is just as confused as you.

"If you throw a rock at my head and I slap your face, am I perpertrating an attack on you that requires retaliation?" Well let's see here... if you are representing Iraq in this example, then yes- we would be "in the wrong." However, it is not Iraqis that are the main force attacking US troops in Iraq... but extremist Muslims from all over the world, whom we did NOT attack... so they are in fact, the ones throwing the first punch.

If you are representing Afgans in your example, then no, you would be in the wrong, since Bin Laden's fanboys led the first attack- we just responded.

The "War on Terror" is NOT the same as the "Aggressive Search for Osama Bin Laden."

No one of us is fit to be the judge of another's soul.


Robo, you are one of the most arrogant and stupid people I've ever encountered on these boards. Your incredible statement, "we cannot continue to allow you to act like this," is so ludicrous I can barely believe you said it. As another poster here remarked, just who the hell is going to stop us? Also, I do not know what country you are from, but in all likelihood it was American force and power - not to mention blood and lives - that pulled your country's fat out of the fire on more than one occasion, am I right? You and the rest of the euros who love to trash America are the first ones to call us in to fix your screwups. Why did the EU members call upon the U.S. to come in and intervene in the Balkans? If you are so capable of stopping us then why did you need us to clean up what was totally a European issue to begin with? There was no national interest for the U.S. to defend, just a bunch of weak European cultures - forever crtiticising America - who then demanded that we come over there and spend our money and manpower - while putting them in harm's way - to fix your cr*p! Do you think that those soldiers, American soldiers willing to die so that you can live in your comfortable Western European socialist nest, are cowards? You need to read some history before you spout all this ignorant jive you been spouting. And if you're Middle Eastern, then I know you're just a "Hate America First" reactionary.


"Robo, you are one of the most arrogant and stupid people I've ever encountered on these boards" "As another poster here remarked, just who the hell is going to stop us?"

Hmm... Kalamata... I'm curious. What does arrogant mean to you?

"I do not know what country you are from, but in all likelihood it was American force and power - not to mention blood and lives - that pulled your country's fat out of the fire on more than one occasion, am I right?"

Kalamata, sorry again... Excuse me, what countries did America pulled out of fire in more than one ocasion? Could you name just one, please?

"Why did the EU members call upon the U.S. to come in and intervene in the Balkans?"

Ahhmm... I can not recall when the US got invited to the Balkans. Maybe you'll refresh my memories. Wasn't that the UN peacekeepers and the NATO ground forces that were actually there. Ohh!! I remember! The bombings! Of course! The F18's bombing Belgrade and Kosovo! Thank's for the help!!

"There was no national interest for the U.S. to defend, just a bunch of weak European cultures - forever crtiticising America - "

Upsie-doopsie! Me again! Weak european cultures? What is the sense of the American culture? Bring all the emigrants available? Scientists and specialists from Asia and Europe, workers from Latin America? Where's the American culture?

Just one last thought. Who is gonna stop you? Well, lemme see... Why don't you invade China, for example? Or Russia? Or even North Korea? Nahh! How about Iran?? There's no need to stop you. You hit those who can not defend have oil!! And as long as you don't mess with the interests of other big countries, nobody will get their hands dirty enough to stop you. Enjoy it while it lasts!!


Nuke 'em' all!

You are either with us or against us!

I mean God told the President, who are you to question! Back into line imperial citizen 2nd class!

You just misunderestimate everything here! What you see is the birthpain of a new middle east. It's a pain in the ass to give birth to a parking lot!

You urgently need to switch to Fox News for an important message of your leader!




You've hit the nail, AB. Fantastic post - a rare find amidst the arrogant bullsh!t one reads here.





Keep running your mouth from Finland or wherever you are from.

Fact is, I don't care about you. And that is what your whole problem is. You are a non-entity in this world. Get over it.


wow your an idiot... what's a Rabocop?? Honey I blew up the baby.. just what the hell are you watching??


America AND the terrorists are responsible for 9/11.

There is way too much evidence that points to this to ignore.

Go continue reading/listening/watching your propaganda machine of a media, or wake up & realize whats really happening in the world.


you sound like some lonely ass guy from montana who lives by himself and reads guns and ammo. I'm guessing your future plans include shooting up the local high school.


Nope. I'm from England.

& again, nope, i don't believe in murder, which is why i take the time to read all the facts of terrorism instead of accepting what the media tries to shove down my throat.

