MovieChat Forums > Love & Other Drugs (2010) Discussion > I was really offended by the portrayal o...

I was really offended by the portrayal of pfizer in this movie

I happen to be a high level employee at a well known pharmaceuticals company and let me tell you this movie has got it all wrong. Pfizer is not just about making money. Heck! if pfizer's profits lowered pfizer would not stop helping humans until they physically couldn't. Pfizer wants to save the world and help the sick. Right now we are about to break through on an AIDS vaccine and distribute it for free for 6 years. This movie makes out Pfizer is the bad guy... I can't believe Jake Gyllenhaal's character quit... let me tell you... in real life people don't quit Pfizer.


First i though it was funny that you went from "I happen to be a high level employee at a well known pharmaceuticals company" to talking about Pfizer using the term 'we'.

and then i thought troll when you said "let me tell you... in real life people don't quit Pfizer" you sure sounded like a big bad corporation to in you don't get out unless your in a body bag.


Cal Lightman - "She's my Leo"


This post was so great. :D


YOU ARE ONE SICK AND TWISTED *beep* Companies like pfizer DO NOT, help people or America, they along with other companies get people hooked on drugs they do not need and have brought this country down while laughing to the bank. FL is the PILLMILL capital of the world and its people like you that support this, so thanks for killing about 15 of my friends making my mother into a living zombie because some Dr said she should try this new pill and it will help with stress. You are so FOS in the last decade and having no accountability... Piece of TRASH to put it mildly...


You cheekybabe666, just made my day with that comment. Haha

"It's all very complex. Or else it's very simple. Or perhaps both. Or neither."


Exactly - this post is comical!

If we really worked for Pfizer and was "offended" he would be listing actual statistics and facts.

Also, Pfizer is not close to developing an AIDS drugs. And if they were, they are not going to give it away for free. It costs close to $1B to bring a drug to the market so no major pharmaceutical company is going to give a drug away for free.


Of course, the film is based on the real life experiences of Jamie Reidy who worked at Pfizer in the late 90s... and then quit.



Right, because we all know how moral and "non money hungry" pharmaceutical companies really are...


Right, because we all know how moral and "non money hungry" pharmaceutical companies really are...


Excuse me while I go roll around on the floor and laugh until my guts fall out, at your INCREDIBLE naivety. Pharmaceutical company out to save the world and help the sick, in the US no less.....absolute riot!!


Could it be that you're offended because the portrayal is accurate? Pfizer is a business, first and foremost. They are not in pharmaceuticals for altruistic reasons, but to make $$$, and billions of it.

Let me tell you a little bit about your beloved company - my dad was on Zoloft. First two months he could have been used on the set of Resident Evil, that's how much of a zombie it made him. After that, the effects started to wear off and we weren't just back at step one, he was worse than ever.

Guess what, he did quit Pfizer (not as an employee, but you get the idea) and we're all better off without you.


Not defending Pfizer here but I had the complete opposite reaction when I was on Zoloft - It took about six months but I completely overcame my anxiety disorder and stayed on it for another year after that, I have been able to live panic-free for several years now. I briefly took Prozac and there were a couple side effects I couldn't live with so I got off of that. I'm not defending the company but not every reacts negatively to it.


Ridiculous portrayal of Pharm companies. Its not an easy thing to become a Pharm rep...its not like selling insurance. It's not some BS rah-rah gig like they made it seem.

And while there is obviously some component of greed, they do make life saving and life improving products. I know Protonix and Paxil have made my life better. I enjoy not being anxiety ridden with stomach aches all day every day.

I did, however, find the love story to be somewhat unique and thought they had good chemistry.


Out come the anti-pharma crybabies.


Did he quit Pfizer in the movie? I thought he ended up "getting Chicago"...


He quit Pfizer and went to medical school.


Stop taking ALL drugs. No antibiotics, asperin, all of it. Then tell me how well off you are. Simplistic idiot.


message us back when it really happens (6 year free vaccine).. rofl is not enough, i'm gonna roll on the flipping ceiling and laugh you flipping capitalist!


I am sure there are good people working in drug companies (my sister works for one), but when your PR flacks only report the positives on your drugs and SUPPRESS NEGATIVE RESULTS, that is when I have a problem with drug companies.


Yes, Pfizer's a hero to the 2000 people they are sacking in Sandwich, UK, the same lab that developed viagra. Just a coincidence that the patent for viagra has just lapsed?
