Funniest Moments

A friend of mine was telling me that he didn't see how this film is funny. I think that it is so realisitic and humaistic that the comedy isn't overbearing. For me the first big laughs were when they were talking about Becky being raped by the horse trainer followed by the scene when Margot is pushing and pushing autism issue. I love that she can't let it go and it cuts and the last thing we hear is the table being slammed, I found it brilliant. I also found a great deal of humor in the scene between Claud and Margot when she is sharing her distaste for Maisy. I'm interested to know what parts of the film others found humorous.


I guess I kinda laughed a little when JB would swear... it was a welcome appearance of the way I like to see the dude.

...And, obviously, his narmy crying scenes. But hey, it was sort of nice to see a cry that wasn't a "Hollywood cry." Usually when people cry in real life they don't tend to look all that dignified, and that was refreshing.
