MovieChat Forums > The Man from Earth (2007) Discussion > Can anyone answer this please?

Can anyone answer this please?

These were the lines which shook me and i want to know the truth about these, if someone can say things authentically.

"The crucifixion.
He blocked the pain
as he had learned to do in Tibet and India.
He also learned to
slow his body processes down to the point where
they were undetectable.
They thought he was dead. So his followers pulled him from the cross, placed him in a cave...His body normalized as
he had trained it to."

These were the lines i took out from subtitles and want to know the truth. I am a Muslim and according to Quran it's something else. Let's leave apart that thing, what do Christians have to say about this? They believe that Christ was nailed and i don't know the name of that school of thought, but Jesus spoke the last words to God while on cross, that why He(God) left him alone?

I am curious about this, and would love to know further about this. I would prefer no criticism and cross-religious discussions, but just the truth.


can't have an answer to such a request without at least a debate

Mr. Pink: But why am I Mr. Pink?
Joe: Because, you're a f**got, alright?!


I'll give you just the truth: you are a very unintelligent person and your unquestioning adherence to religion is also stupid.
