Racist movie

this movie is racist. without no doubt.

At the very begining of the movie it says that:

the Turks has slaughtered and enslaved half the population of Hungary.

Where does this come from? Turks neighter slaughtered nor enslaved "half the population of Hungary"! The Turkish Hungarian wars were between armies of the countries. Turks never attacked on villiges and civilians. If half the population of Hungary was gone even before Turks conquered entire Hungary then there would be no Hungarian after the conquest and i don't even mention hundreds of years of Ottoman rule in Hungary.

such a silly smear and defamation campaign by Americans by means of holywood. if producers had asked Hungarians, even Hungarians -i'm sure- would reject this racist propaganda.

i don't mention many lines insulting Turkish culture and Turkish people deliberately. Each are unbelieveable. but the line i mentioned above which appears at the begining of the film is a good example of "Obama governed US diplomacy".

shame on you!



<< Turks neighter slaughtered nor enslaved "half the population of Hungary"! The Turkish Hungarian wars were between armies of the countries. Turks never attacked on villiges and civilians.....such a silly SMEAR and DEFAMATION campaign >>


(just kidding)


It makes sense that the European characters who were involved in a long, bloody war with the Turks at the time would have such attitudes. It says nothing about the beliefs of the film makers.


I suppose the OP would also deny the Armenian genocide.


Turks are Turds
