MovieChat Forums > 30 Rock (2006) Discussion > Favorite Tracy Jordan moments?

Favorite Tracy Jordan moments?

Here's a few of mine:

Liz: Break a leg!
Tracy: That's easy for me to do because I have a severe calcium deficiency.

Jack: I'm on the board of directors for the New York Philharmonic.
Tracy: Well I'm friends with Phil Harmonic, the worst rapper ever!

Jack: Tracy, have you ever tried Googling yourself?
Tracy: I Google myself all the time, like when Angie's not in the mood, or I'm in a hotel room by myself.
Jack: That means to look yourself up on the internet.
Tracy: That explains why Liz Lemon was so cool about it the other day!
Tracy: Hey Liz Lemon, can I Google myself in your office?
Liz: Sure Tracy!
Tracy: Can I use your computer?
Liz: How else you gonna do it?

Tracy: I'm hosting the International Pornography Awards and I have to get an insurance physical so I can fly into the arena in a penis-shaped parachute.

Tracy: Thanks, Jack, for coming to this emergency meeting. I'm sorry I'm four hours late, but my alarm clock didn't go off because it died in a cock fight last night.

Tracy: I missed the birth of both of my sons for very legitimate reasons.
Dotcom: Cooking a French bread pizza, and forgot.

Tracy: I yelled 'bababooey' at Walter Cronkite's funeral, so I actually have no idea of what's rude or not.

Tracy: Why don't Catholics eat meat on Fridays? I'll tell you why: It's because the Pope owns Long John Silver's.

Frank: Tracy, did you hear? Fred Dawkins, the overweight guy who was the inventor of Pac Man, has died.
Tracy: I shall eat a bowl of cherries and some ghost meat in his honor.

Tracy: Affirmative action was designed to keep women and minorities in competition with each other to distract us while white dudes inject AIDS into our chicken nuggets.

Liz: I want to see the Tracy Jordan that got you kicked out of the White House!
Tracy: Well I'd love to but the Secret Service took away my t-shirt cannon!


There's so much complete nonsense flowing out of Tracy Morgan, I can only cite a joke from season 7, which I'm currently watching. Tracy is making a film about Harriet Tubman, former slave, heroine and abolitionist, and he says he's cast Octavia Spencer in the role. She walks on set, and he says "Oh good, you're black." LOL for quite awhile.
