Heavy Metal is EVIL

I checked out Augusta Gone last night b/c I dig movies that have to do w/ teenage rebelliousness, drugs, etc. So I went into this thinking it should be like that movie Thirteen. All in all, it was an enjoyable film.

But what was the deal w/ the representation of all of Augusta's "bad friends" as being rockers, metalheads, and goths? That was so incredibly stupid, and was reinforced when the woman at the camp forbid Augusta from listening to rock music and wearing black clothes, as if that was the cause of her drug and alcohol abuse (and as if one thing has anything to do with the other). As someone who is an avid heavy metal fan, I found the equation of rockers as "the bad guys" somewhat offensive... think about it this way, what if all of Augusta's "bad friends" were black, and her downward spiral led her to act "more black" and listen to hiphop music... surely THAT would be offensive!

But whatever. I'm just ranting 'cuz I'm high. One thing I wanted to know though, is what happened to Rain when she went to California? If anyone's read the book, can you fill me in?


Because although I totally agree with you in some aspect this is realistic. When children rebel, especially at her age which was fourteen they do tend to lean towards certain things like the color black, rock, promiscuous clothes because these are the things that are thought of by many other "normal people as being rebellious.
When he took it away, I think it was partly a small detail of what changed her...really small, and second because it wasn't allowed.


Juvenile rock music fans deserve all the bad press they get for being dumbass retards.
