MovieChat Forums > Tenderness (2009) Discussion > How do other Cormier fans feel about thi...

How do other Cormier fans feel about this project?

Hi everyone,
I'm curious as to the reactions of other Cormier fans to news of this novel being made into a movie. So far, people seem to be fairly excited. I hope that the translation works well. I'm not too familiar with Polson's work but hopefully he remains faithful to the novel. I think it is very cinematic in the first place, as it is kind of built around vignettes and scenery, such as the park where he takes the girl canoeing and so on.

I have been waiting for a film version of After the First Death for years, but apparently it isn't forthcoming. I understand the rights to that book have been optioned a few times, including once just before September 11th, but the projects have pretty much all been abandoned before filming started. But Tenderness is a great novel and suitable for filming also. Hopefully it works well.


I love Cormier, and agree with you that this novel should translate very well into film. I hope they don't change it too much at all. I'm very excited about this film, as I think they have chosen an EXCELLENT Eric in Jon Foster, as well. He's very talented and I am actually a big fan. So it is two of my fav orites combined in one project -- I can't wait!

Proud member of the Depraved Clark Admirers Club!


Russell Crowe is definitely not the focus of this feature and the emphasis is on the kids. Crowe was only on set for a few weeks of principal photography. It will be interesting to see how Polson plays this out.


LOL, I just hope it doesn't ruin it for me.


I almost always dislike films that are based on books (or at least books that I like) because I feel they never do them justice.
I haven't read the book in a good few years, but I remember while I was reading it thinking that it was a good story for a film...

I will go to see it, but I'll probably be critical of it.


"Tenderness" is my second favorite Cormier novel, and I'm completely thrilled for the movie! Next I really want, "We All Fall Down," and I'm suggesting Haley Joel Osment for Buddy. As for Jane... well, I'll happily take the part myself, if you insist.


It's always a worry to many fans that the movie will never be as good as the book, since the silver screen never matches the imaginations of your mindSource:Movie Reviews - Tenderness
