MovieChat Forums > Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins (2008) Discussion > all of you bitching about this movie are...

all of you bitching about this movie are stupid

the movie was funny and good and will be a classic.
you went into it expecting bad things and you didn't get "bad".
you always want to bring up "black", but in a movie like "super ex-girlfriend" i don't see the "white" threads.
all of you are stupid and don't derserve to be privy to talent.


by chrizterr78 (Tue Feb 5 2008 13:47:45) Ignore this User | Report Abuse

UPDATED Tue Feb 5 2008 13:50:51


This is ridiculous. Why worry so much about Black movies?? Just don't watch them. It's just like questioning why Asians make karate movies, or movies with a lot of violence. Why not complain about that?? or better yet, don't watch them.

Sometimes I wonder why movies like The Devil's Rejects, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Wicked Little Things, Halloween, Saw, Evilenko, The Hitchhiker, and all other WHITE movies depicting GRUESOME violence against other human beings are made, time after time. The movies get lots of support, yet leave a bad stereotype taste in your mouth. It not only says this is a violent race of people, but when I see on the news, little white kids killing their parents, a husband killing his wife and kids, or better yet, white parents taking their own kids life by throwing them off a bridge. I have to wonder....who do these movies really benefit, and why are they being made? With the majority of child molesters being white, and whites having more psychologically influenced crimes, I don't think they need any kind of encouragement. You can claim that more Blacks are in prison, but I can guarantee it is drug or theft related. (The system was built so that more Blacks will be behind bars.) It's not because they are serial killers or child molesters. It is also funny how a child molester will do less time than a drug dealer, only to go out and have sex with more kids.

Bad movies come in all colors, but if you are white worrying about Black movies, maybe you need to worry about your own????


There is no need to call people stupid for not liking a movie. Anyone calling a person stupid for liking or not liking a show or film is the stupid one. Really stupid. I for one didn't like it, don't have to, and I have not insulted the people who say they do.

The movie was bad, plain and simple.
