MovieChat Forums > Teachers. (2006) Discussion > Another crap US tryhard UK Ripoff.

Another crap US tryhard UK Ripoff.

First The Office and now Teachers, hell even another great UK show Coupling was ripped off but it flopped in the US. Just how many more UK TV shows are going to be ripped off? Here's a thought. Why not just play the original UK Versions on TV instead of trying to make a localised US version of everything.

I'm not saying this show is crap. I'm just saying ripping off UK shows is crap.
They could at least change the title to make it slightly original. Then no one would notice.

I'm sure you'd understand my point if say Prison Break was ripped off and just changed slightly and made into a UK version.

What next an Irish version of these shows? An Australian and New Zealand version?
A insert other English speaking countries version here.

Tell you what. Why not just take the UK Versions and dub them with American accents? Just like all those old Kung Fu movies.

If anyone needs to know. I'm Australian. I watch US, UK, Canadian, etc and even subtitled movies and tv shows. I'm fine with the original versions of TV Shows. I don't need an Australian version. As long as these TV Shows are in English I'm fine with them. If they aren't, I prefer subtitles to dubbing.


"I'm sure you'd understand my point if say Prison Break was ripped off and just changed slightly and made into a UK version."

Lets not forget that the UK is responsible for the awful who's the boss rip off, The Upper Hand. How about the Brighton Belles, (Golden Girls) or even Married for life, (Married with children.)

And the worst thing is, when we ripped them off we had already had the originals on terrestrial television. At least America is providing something their viewers haven't seen before.

Not that I am completely on their side. "Fitz" was a weak take on Cracker. "Red Dwarf"... Hah!

Almost all rip off shows are a disapointment but I don't think the US deserves all the blame.


I'm still waiting for an American remake of Benny Hill...


US? ...This show isn't a US show. It never aired here. Isn't it Canadian? Filmed in Montreal or some *beep* like that? All I know is I'll watch anything with Sarah Shahi and I didn't get to see it. Lame.

Who cares if her purpose is to be hot? ...She serves her purpose well. The only person who's hotter than her is my girlfriend. =)

"Look, I'm not so good at apologies, mostly because I think the world's out to screw me..."



"American Humour is not the same as British"

Erm Wasn't the incredibly funny, and al be it british, Film SHAUN OF THE DEAD a success across the pond as well as the equally funny and even more British HOT FUZZ.

The yanks do have the same sense of humour as us they do get it but the difference is that we Brits like things planned out and with inside joke, like Teachers and the office, were as American come and go throughout shows, like Friends and Everbody loves Raymond, There are hardly any inside jokes and each episode always ends like it baegan with the same characters all forgiving each other and loving each other no matter what has happened in the episode.

Also America is way way way bigger than Britain and has way more people and so in Britain if say 20% of the populus missed the opening episode chances are its not the main demographic where as in America 20% would be millions more and chances are a high percent of the demographic are within this and so if a person whos friend watched say that its good then they wouldnt pick up on it easily and so a more sitcom style is chosen so its easy to pick up


Shaun of the Dead - both sides may have enjoyed it, I seriously can't believe we laughed at all the same jokes - so many were so culturally based that you had to be British to get them. The Office (original) is similar in this respect.

As for 'Teachers (US)' - bloody hell, what piffle! It's a run-of-the-mill sitcom with a laugh-track and weak characterisation! Please, everyone, make the effort to find the original UK version - a VERY different show, even right down the style of production. You'll immediately see the two shows are so different that there's no way one is based on the other.


I liked shaun of the dead, but I didn't really laugh at all. Not because of it being british humor, it was just not funny. Coupling was hilarious and many of those jokes are very western in nature so that show was a hit among my friends.

I can't really say that I care about UK shows being remade in the US nor do many of my countrymen for that matter. The rule in the US is: if it's good, we'll watch it. If it sucks, it'll go off the air as fast as Teachers did. You'll NEVER hear an American complaining about The Shield being redone in the UK. No one really cares over here because we have too many shows to watch as it is to care about what people in the UK are watching.

Is it a pride thing? Why raise sand about the TV habits of another country, or a show that ISN'T the UK original? I liked the american version of teachers and thought it was pretty funny, maybe the time slot was wrong who knows.

People that complain about this are:

the same people that swear up and down that the original-independant-film-that-no-one-saw was better than the remake. No one is going to care because they saw the remade version first, so to them, the original will be less than stellar

the pretentious prick that beats you over the head with the book claining that the book was waaaaaaaaay better than the movie.

Just enjoy your shows and stop worring about things that don't matter.


I haven't seen any version of Teachers, but I rarely care for the American remakes of British shows. I stopped watching American networks when The X-Files ended. American sitcoms may have their moments, but I just don't enjoy any of them enough to watch each week. To me, taking a British show and doing an American version just makes it blend in with all of the other shows.

With the US Coupling, somewhere I read that Steven Moffat was told to stay away from the US production and not allowed any input. I think it was an interview.

I do understand why the original shows can't be broadcast. Most of the original UK episodes are 30 minutes without commercials, and some UK shows don't mind offending a few people. In the US, the networks are so paranoid about offending anyone that there is no real edge to the shows. The Simpsons and Family Guy might be the exceptions. (I've only seen the DVDs. I have haven't watched the current episodes.)

However, let's not forget that there have been some good translations. Imagine trying to broadcast Til Death Us Do Part in the US now. When it was made into a US show, they did it right. They took the essence of the show and created All in the Family. I have not seen Steptoe and Son, but I understand the same was done in creating Sanford and Son. Man About The House became Three's Company. I realize some people roll their eyes at that show, but it did last a few seasons. More recently we've had Changing Rooms become Trading Spaces. Then there were some game shows like Weakest Link. I realize there are many makeover segments on some US TV shows, but has anyone done a version of What Not To Wear yet?

Importing a UK show can be done correctly if anyone really cares about the show and not just doing it for profit.

I don't think the average American cares about British shows. Mention British comedies and most assume you're talking about Benny Hill or Monty Python. My dad loves the different Chef Ramsey shows, but I've been trying to get him to watch his British shows on BBC America. He never would. He only watches the main networks, HBO, and FOX News.


I have commented on this topic in the past if i remember rightly - they have recently done somthing else of uk over in the us, but not important...
I am English, BUT I love american shows, 24 when it started right through to its understandably flailing season 6 that got so predictable it became a joke of "guess what happens now..." prison break i am heavily anticipating S3, lost CSI:all 3 versions....but from this not a single comedy...why?
American humor is primarily 1-liners and slapstick humor, that lost its appeal for me after faulty towers and monty python finished (imagine american versions of this and you'll get my point) british humor is based on primarily sarcasm, somthing we hold a greater manipulation of than the americans (no offence but it is somthing i personally get commented on by americans when talking to them)the US GET the jokes - or most of them, but cannot have the scripting to pull it off themselves, this is not due to writters,actors or just sounds wrong somehow comming out in an american accent/mannerism, friend became so dry it hurt toward the last series to watch how lame it had become down to that appauling ending where - well nothing important or unexpected happend. There is only ONE exeption to this Fraiser, the best comedy over 10 seasons imho because tho the americans used a bad stereotype in Daphne, they did reserch and improve over the series' to acctually make her mancunian ways more belivable, the intro of her brother was great as for once the true accent and mannerism was done right by an american actor, the show revolved around upperclass humor ie: sarcasm. Americans normally rely too heavy on stereotypeing to sell a joke, this is frustrating and was done in friends to cement a point they had a NY resident trying to act like a brit, using cockney rhyming slang for things, wake up america for those who think this is how we talk, 99% don't prenunciate every word like a toff, 99% have perfect teeth, 99% pref coffee to tea and out of post 1940 you are definatly not gonna see aperson in a bowler hat lol and finally I cement somthing for all americans b4 they ever think of using the "would be speaking german line" (PS: THIS IS ONLY FOR THOSE WHO HAVE SAID THIS LINE AS IT IS SAID BY SOME TOURISTS OVER HERE AND IN SOME AMERICAN SHOWS - NOT ALL AMERICANS!)the war was WW2 you came into (means was 1 before it you hardly batted an eylid at and probably don't know who it concerned)and ask yourself this....what language you speaking now? (no such thing as american btw), its funny in some respect when the type itself is played off as an obvious missconception, but when you clearly can see the writer has this image in their mind and doesn't bother to research and thus relys on it...please!
If you want a list of things they could never pull off there is a long one, but for the curious people uk and american alike...try dl'ing an ep of one of these..
Blackadder, s1,2,3,4
Bottom s1,2,3
peep show ,1,2,3,4
spaced 1,2
red-dwarf 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 (the US attempt at this was funny for all the wrong reasons)

any of these will make you laugh even if you have no humor at all, but are only for the english actors writters made funny

and so long as we don't see US dramas ripped off over here i am happy, after all imagine Hugh Grant in the Kiefer role lol or maybe Hugh Laurie (US know him as house now - reference Blackadder if you ain't seen him b4)



Wait a minute, what was the UK comedy series about a starting Rock band that was ripped to US version? (Don't remember the name but I want to get the dvd)


I'm pissed that it doesn't just stop at TV shows.

Quiz shows for instance:

The Weakest Link
Who Wants to Be A Millionaire?
Are You Smarter Than A 10 Year Old (Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader?)
Pop Idol etc.


The Wicker Man
The Italian Job etc.

Not to mention remakes of foreign movies:

My Sassy Girl
Infernal Affairs
Dark Water

I'm not saying that American writers have no originality as they've given us a fair few gems in the past (24, Lost, Heroes, Prison Break, to name a few), but the writers and network execs really need to earn the big bucks they're making and come up with something more original. Stop stealing other people's ideas, pull your heads out of your asses and come up with your own material!


Okay, i got about half way through this "discussion" and i'm already disturbed by the sense of arrogant superiority mostly everyone participating is attempting to gain.
The point isn't "who has better TV".
The point is, does it entertain people. That's why there's television in the first place.
In America, for networks, it's generally all about the views and the money.
I live in America, i watch US, UK, Canadian, and other shows from other countries.
I can't say i've seen the UK version of Teachers, but from what i hear about it's brilliance i look forward to it. However, i enjoyed the first (and last) six episodes of the US version.
It's not about quantity of episodes, or whose country pulls superiority. It's about the shows. Everyone needs to stop being so pissy and say, "Mkay, not my cup of tea, i'll just forget about it and move on with my life instead of ranting about something i don't give a crap about."
So if you hated the American remake, watch the UK show and say, "Yeah. i like this better." It's stupid to try to say "I'm so much better than you because your version sucked." Because believe it or not, whether you like it or not, people liked this version.
And yes, remakes can suck. That's true of ANYTHING.
Look at horror flicks-- Japan's the master at all things creepy, and most American remakes suck, but people in the US like it to relate to them. it feels more real, and since the viewers like it, the networks and film makers make it. It's all about the benjamins, baby.

J e n n R a i n.<3


All in The Family, arguably the best sitcom ever, was based on a British show called Til Death Us Do Part.


remakes are continually going to be made...

deal with it

doesnt mean you have to like it...

yes, it annoys me heaps, but it happens, doesnt stop the original being great, in fact, by comparison, more often than not, it makes it seem so much better

so we should all be thankful for that...

its horrific when cult classics get remade, spaced and red dwarf make me cringe just at the thought, havent seen spaced one yet, but i dont think it will have the magic, having said that, people out there will enjoy it, so whatever, let em

if you dont like something tough titty, its still there no matter how much you bitch and complain!!

immaturity and your life is alot like wine, the older it gets, the more it costs you


It's all about the benjamins, baby.

The Office
Cold Feet
Kath and Kim (aussie but still relevant)
Men Behaving Badly

and worst of all in my opinion:
The IT Crowd
and *gasp, cringe* RED DWARF!

plus a whole bunch I havent seen or noted-to hell with the benjamins, stop desecrating these great shows and trying to justify under 'localization'

And dont get me started on Japanese horror remakes *fumes*

It's never Lupus


"I'm sure you'd understand my point if say Prison Break was ripped off and just changed slightly and made into a UK version."

What, like Law & Order was? The difference between us is that on this side of the pond, we don't whine about it when someone remakes a show that was created here. It's just business. Like any show, no matter where it's conceived, the mud-to-the-wall principle applies. Most will fail. A few will succeed.

And by the way, since the whole "ripping off" of British TV shows and remaking them for an American audience was the idea of Beryl Vertue--a BRIT--maybe you should shut up.

