The skits you hate?

personally i cant stand:
90 year old boobs
bad grandpa
old man balls
these just werent funny to me at all lol
i know this has probably been done before but im bored...what skits really annoy you in this film?



Anything with feces, or vomit just is annoying. Usually I am just grossed out, everything else is fair game though


The ones where they are taking craps.

"An assassin's blade can be more effective than an entire division of soldiers" Tanaka Corp Proverb


The fart mask!




I can do without the gross out crap. Stick to physical gags and we're gold.


I'm watching the movie now and the only seen we had to fast forward was the Horse Semen scene. That *beep* was just nasty. A few others were nasty too, like the poop on the doll house scene. But for the most part I sit here thinking why the hell do they do this crap for, they are crazy.


I don't like How To Milk A Horse, Ice Horse, or The Puppet Show. I love everything else


-fart mask was stupid and gross
-milking a horse was funny, especially the music. Once Pontius drinks the horse semen though, it's effing disgusting
-the magic trick (the really big woman jumps on wee-man...poor guy. Didn't need to see that)
-pooing on the doll house toilet...that was also disgusting
-eating the poo...that was vomit inducing

I do have to say I really enjoy this movie otherwise it's hilarious! I love all of the old people scenes, especially bad grandpa.


Fart mask was really disgusting. i forgot all about that one until i read these posts. ahh that was awful.

all the old people jokes are pretty lame. i hope they dont do any of that in the new one.

i can't stand the fish hook scene. i have to close my eyes during that. nothing funny about that one. you can tell that pontius feels horrible doing that to steve o.

i also just felt bad for ehren with all those pubes on his face. that *beep* got in his mouth and there were crabs. that poor, poor man. I couldnt bring myself to laugh because i felt so bad for him. it was funny when the taxi driver just smacks the detonator out of his hand though haha


Yeah, I love Jay Chandrasekhar from Broken Lizard, and I'm glad he had fun doing the taxicab skit, but I just thought making Ehren wear the pubes on his face was mean-spirited in a way that the other skits weren't. It was too long and drawn out to be good-natured, the way the fart mask or the electric stool were just a 60-second thing. He must have had that stuff on his face for hours, and that was just too unpleasant and way over the top.


I didn't like any of the old man skits, except for the Bad Grandpa one. I get Knoxville had to disguise himself since he'd be known to everyone, but couldn't he just digsuise himself as another man his age, instead of a boring old man?

I also didn't like Dave England crapping onto the small toy house. Too gross.

The ending with Rip Taylor. Didn't like it in the first movie, either. And I'm sure I won't like it in the third movie, as I've read he's in that ending too.

The leech healer skit wasn't annoying or bad or anything, but I just didn't find it very interesting.

I'm sure there are more that I'm forgetting.


all these and any where steve-o throws up


Wow I'm posting way too late but nvm! Still counts right? :P

I didn't 'hate' any of the skits, but some I found either a little gross or just boring.

- The horse cum scene was a bit nasty, but I can bear it.
- Old Woman Boobs, Old Man Balls and Bad Grandpa weren't bad, but not great. The film would've been still been alright with or without those skits. I didn't like the little boy with Bad Grandpa though, something about him annoyed me... like he thought he was really cool or something lol.
- Sh!tting into the dollhouse was pretty damn gross, but only because we're shown a really close up shot of it. If it was done from further away then it wouldn't have been so bad. However, it was still pretty funny.

The skit I find really boring and pointless was the anaconda in the ball pit - what was the point? Nothing interesting happening, it was all just a bit stupid.

The only skit I find hard to watch is... the eye leech scene with Steve-O. Mainly because I have a weird thing about things touching the eyes.. urgh

And as for everyone saying 'the fart mask' - I loved that! It was funny as *beep* :)


i didnt mine these scenes the only scene i really dont like is how to milk a horse and the unrated version i have chris pontius drinks it. disgusting and totally not funny


Electric Stool - Wee Man talking about a card throwing machine was hilarious, but the actual prank/skit didn't make me laugh
Ice Horse - just dumb and not a funny or interesting kind of dumb either
Also, all of the old people skits, overdone way too much in J2. The only exception is Bad Grandpa, which was masterfully played by Knoxville.
