MovieChat Forums > Boarding Gate (2007) Discussion > Worst film of the decade so far?

Worst film of the decade so far?

Clearly, the guy behind this film had watched a couple of thrillers (James Bond or the Bournes spring to mind) and noticed their use of guns, exotic locations, shady deals etc., and considered that this was all it took to make a movie. What he seems to have failed to notice is that something actually HAPPENS in those movies, whereas in this one, nothing does. The laughably unrealistic characters say things like, 'When we were in that club in Beijing, I was on crystal meth', or 'Get me that guy in Moscow NOW - I need to close this deal', while affecting to look edgy and *beep* and glamorous, like we're supposed to be impressed, while all the while I was just thinking 'Who the hell ARE these people, and why should I possibly care?' This was, I believe, the first film I've ever walked out of. So unless something astonishing happened in the final half an hour to make all the initial torture worth it, or unless you have some twisted fondness for 80s-style self-important Eurotrash, stay away from this like the clap.


I really like Asia Argento's work, but this particular movie was awful.


Can't be that bad since Asia is in it, but the script was certainly about as bad as it could get. I give the 12-year-old screenwriter kudos for battling his ADD and trying complete it.


I'm glad you walked out of it. Leave his work alone. Leave it to people who comprehend art without being really mean, insensitive and downright hateful. Your negativity is why filmmakers struggle so badly and why art-house cinema is disappearing.


scene wise script is not bad, there is suspense and good twists. However as a whole movie lacks plot indded. But this movie is worth watching for Madsen/Argento scene alone. one of the best scenes of that kind out there
