MovieChat Forums > Boarding Gate (2007) Discussion > Worst film of the decade so far?

Worst film of the decade so far?

Clearly, the guy behind this film had watched a couple of thrillers (James Bond or the Bournes spring to mind) and noticed their use of guns, exotic locations, shady deals etc., and considered that this was all it took to make a movie. What he seems to have failed to notice is that something actually HAPPENS in those movies, whereas in this one, nothing does. The laughably unrealistic characters say things like, 'When we were in that club in Beijing, I was on crystal meth', or 'Get me that guy in Moscow NOW - I need to close this deal', while affecting to look edgy and *beep* and glamorous, like we're supposed to be impressed, while all the while I was just thinking 'Who the hell ARE these people, and why should I possibly care?' This was, I believe, the first film I've ever walked out of. So unless something astonishing happened in the final half an hour to make all the initial torture worth it, or unless you have some twisted fondness for 80s-style self-important Eurotrash, stay away from this like the clap.


I absolutely agree. There was no plot - NO plot. Absolute crap.



Have you guys ever seen another film by Olivier Assayas? Just wondering



It was about a 5 for Asia's boobies alone. However....the movie seems to want you to be alone like her character and feel like you don't know where you are going or what is going to happen next. I think it achieved that, although it doesn't make for an exciting, but rather anxious movie.

I knew she was gonna get screwed by that dude...I think his name was Lester.




to the original poster, you clearly have not seen enough movies.


Did you sleep through the movie?
Were you drunk?

It was great, excellent pans and long steady cam shots, realistic feel as you followed the subject through their trials. It's a lot more in-depth then you let on. Plot? uh.. hello.. are you guys watching a different movie? Man, it's sad the lack of imagination on some people today. Watch it again but pay attention and open your mind a little. It has plenty of meaning and besides all that... Kelly Lin is BEAUTIFUL!!!!


people who keep mentioning how "beautiful," "hot," or "sexy," etc. a particular actor/actress in a movie is clearly do not understand what makes a good film.

not only is a movie with a cast of entirely good-looking people totally unrealistic, but it's typically a sign that the film lacks substance, and that the filmmakers are untalented amateurs.

the fact is, acting requires great skill and talent. that is why good actors are in high demand. sure, the film industry prefers lead actors who are good-looking in a conventional fashion, but only the best directors and highest budget studios can afford an actor who is both good-looking AND a skilled actor. and even then, good filmmakers tend to only seek good-looking actors for a few specific roles, such as leads.

an entire cast that looks like they're from an episode of MTV's The Real World typically indicates that the roles were cast based on superficial appearances rather than deeper aesthetics or acting ability, especially in an indie film.

now, this film obviously doesn't have a cast that is disproportionately attractive, but it's still rather inane to mention "so-and-so looks so hot!" when discussing the merits of a film. i mean, christ, you guys sound like a buncha pre-pubescent jr. high students.


It's one of my faves of the year so far, along with (REC). I thought it was highly entertaining, and Asia's a fine actor. Then Kim Gordon appears !

"you're a very silly man, and I'm not going to interview you"


I agree, most Americans have the attention span of two-year-olds. If every little thing is not spelled out for them in the first 2 minutes they go nuts and have a tantrum. "Boarding Gate" is hypnotic and sexy and extremely suspenseful, and Asia Argento's character was a beautiful lost soul trapped in a nightmare world, classic cinema. I guess these idiots saw subtitles and panicked! Oh well, their loss...


You should consider doing a little research before you open your mouth.

Yeah... I can see myself marinating a chicken in that...




Well, given some of the dogs Asia Argento, Michael Madsen. and Olivier Assayant..(whatever his name is) have appeared in/directed individually, I can only imagine the mangy mogrel mutt the three of them might have produced together. Still I doubt it could possibly be worse than "Closer".

I also agree with the earlier post--a bad, worthless movie that nevertheless features Asia Argento naked is still much better than a bad, worthless movie that DOESN'T feature Argento naked.

This movie also got a semi-positive review in no less than "The New York Times". That doesn't necessarily make it a a good movie, of course, but it makes me seriously doubt it's really the "worst film of the decade"


Still I doubt it could possibly be worse than "Closer".

Wasn't that a Mike Nichols film?

Go to [email protected] and ask them to work on the Apu trilogy and Sholay.



If you people think this was the worst film of the decade or the worst film ever for just 2007-08 then you obviously dont see many films. I am in no way suggesting this film is some sort of masterpiece but it was engaging and at least somewhat entertaining. The fact that the main actress is smoking hot doesnt hurt either.

I could easily come up with a hundred films that were far wose than this film just in the 2007-08 period. In all honesty I really dont understand why people make these pointless worse ever threads. Is it that your completly incapable of describing how much you disliked a film without labeling it as the worse ever or is it that you just like to exaggerate how bad a film is to try and get your point across?

You want to see a film a million times worse than this film go and see Meet the Spartans.



People will attack until you justify your opinion. It's great to have an opinion but you're going to blast a movie at least try and back it up with some sort of argument besides "Well it sucked." because you sound like a hillbilly that just came out of a closet in the Ozark Mountains.

"It was then I came from the shadows, not to fight crime, but to spread fear."


Are you a total FLAKE??? The thread is entitled "Worst film of the decade so far?" My response was to people in general who label movies the worst ever or worst of the decade. Time for you to take your own advice and learn to read carefully. Of course Meet the Spartans was a 2007 film, any jackas@ with an internet connection can find that out, lol. Last I checked 2007 was in the 2000 decade. What a moron. I couldn't agree more with the poster who basically compared you to the hicks in Wrong Turn, lol.



there's nothing wrong with attacking people's opinions. that's what a debate/discussion is. it's attacking the person who speaks the opinion that is pointless and nonobjective.


Well, from the looks of at least two of the replies in this thread, a hot chick can make a crap film worth defending. It's something to consider if any of you are planning to make a film and have no plot... just hire a really hot Asian chick or a chick named Asia and you'll have wankers posting rave reviews.

It was crap, you are right, not the fault of the camera crew, DP, actors or any of the sort (in fact the production values and most of the acting is excellent), this film stinks of bad directing. I think a better director could have squeezed a decent film out of this pallid script.


There is no doubt a smokin hot actress can make a film more enjoyable, that is if your a normal male whose has an interest in such things. You acting like you find this point incredibly hard to believe or that filmmakers are not already aware of such thing. Ask yourself why Hollywood in general has so many insanely beautiful women working in the industry instead of a bunch of plain, boring or even ugly females. Talk about being utterly oblivious to one of the most obvious facts in all of film making.

By the way I never said it was a crap film and I specifically said that it was engaging and somewhat entertaining. There is a big difference between a smoking hot female making an ok film that much better and a smoking hot female making an utter pile of trash entertaining. although it really doesn't surprise me that you cant understand the pretty dramatic difference.



You need to check his other films, this one was great specially the tension going over in Hong Kong.


I don't know if it was the worst film of the decade but its unbelievably bad


Clearly, the guy behind the above comment has no knowledge of film whatsoever.


You'll notice I did put a question mark in the original title of this to hold some kind of forensic debate over whether any worse films have come out since the year 2000 seems to be missing the point somewhat. Fools. All I would say on that note is that the advantage films such as Meet the Spartans have over this one is that, although they may be completely awful, at least you know what you're letting yourself in for; they don't try and appear all clever and 'edgy' like this steaming pile of crapola did.


Finally saw this. It's not "the worst film in the decade so far", but lord knows it sure ain't good. (Asia Argento is smokin'-ass hot though).

Exterminate the Brutes!


Seriously Olivier Assayas is one of my favourite directors but this is one of the worst films ever. Utterly preposterous in every way.


You really haven't seen a lot of movies, have you?



>Clearly, the guy behind the above comment has no knowledge of film whatsoever.

Clearly you do have knowledge of film, though it comes at the expense of charm ! What's up with Asia and(REC)anyway ? I can find space for them amidst the Fellini marathons...



I had to walk out of the movie... it was the worst movie ever. nothing more than a man and a woman talking for over 40 minutes. i couldn't take any more of it. Somebody ought to shoot the director and producer.
