MovieChat Forums > The Fifth Commandment (2008) Discussion > It's the freaking 6th commandment... not...

It's the freaking 6th commandment... not the 5th...

Not to be all picky but the 6th commandment is "thou shall not kill"
not the fifth commandment. I'm only saying this because after the end
of the trailer on it makes it a whole deal of killing and


Why is this so hard to grasp? The Commandments are different for different religions.

For Catholics it's "Thou shalt not kill!"

For Protestants it's "Honor thy father and thy mother!"

I don't know why. I don't know if one way is better than the other. I think the overall message is pretty clear either way.

But it would be funny if they released the movie and then were like "Oh crap, it's the wrong commandment."


obviously the director/producer/writer/guy-in-charge-of-movie-title-naming is Roman Catholic, or choose the Roman Catholic's version of the Ten Commandments, wherein the Fifth Commandment is Thou Shall Not Kill -- since this is a movie about assassins....



Not that I give a sh&t but it's not Protestants collarmen that are busy bringing down the wrath of the great Cosmic Fudd and rafts of lawsuits on their church. That would be those painfully gay cat'licks. Really painfully.


Not just Protestants and Anglicans. The original Jewish interpretation also considers "Thou shalt not kill to be the 6th Commandment. By the way, using "retard" and "gay" in one short post - classy and intelligent. Way to represent.

"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy." - Benjamin Franklin


Fifth Commandment -- Thou shalt not Kill!
Friend, hebrews and anglicans see "thou shalt not kill" as six commandment.
But friend, catholics and lutherans recognize it as "Fifth Commandment". Checking the details!


Same Bible, so who's been changing stuff around?


Don't worry, I'm sure the guys who made it all up in the first place, would approve of a little change here and there ;)


Yeah, their copyright is already expired.
