New Deaf Model Did Gay Porn!

And here's the proof:


"Can I hear a little compassion?"

For whom? For the thousands of people like him who didn't turn to porn to pay the bills?


Ah, well of course if you're that judgmental. He didn't turn to theft or murder, you know. How about we show a little compassion for the people who didn't harm anybody else to pay their bills? That includes him, as it happens.

I sure as hell don't have as much compassion for people who had better options than those they look down on. The non-handicapped, for instance. Some people are born on third and think they hit a triple.

Compassion for the more fortunate? You must be a Republican.

And I sure as hell am not filled with admiration for people with ugly faces, fat bodies and unimpressive genitalia, boasting loudly that they'd never do porn, no matter what. "No matter what" is right. Compassion for the less attractive? Definitely, but not to the extent of hating the beautiful.

You haven't walked in his shoes, I expect.



No, I'm not a republican...however, being a republican or a democrat doesn't matter in this conversation.

I'm not fat, ugly, or male (so can't really speak to the unimpressive genitalia). But you don't have to be fat or ugly to decide against making porn.

I'm not judging him as less of a human being but that doesn't mean that I can't be dissapointed with the decisions he's made.

Comparing porn with murder or theft is also not fair. No, he didn't kill or steal but that doesn't make what he did right. There are options out there for people other than gay porn, particularly if he's going to be a role model, which kind of goes with the terriority...hence the word "model."


The question isn't whether he ever did anything he needs to live down. The question is whether he'll be allowed to. Or will there always be people gleefully bringing it up and rehashing it? He isn't doing it now, he's trying to move on in a different career. If we think it's unfortunate that he ever did porn, all the more reason we should support him in his new endeavor.


ducdebrabant, have you ever done gay porn yourself?


No, but in my twenties somebody tried to recruit me. If I'd been desperate for money, who knows?

The pitch at the time was to do privately commissioned fantasy porn for select, well-heeled customers. In retrospect, I'm pretty sure that was just a ploy, and whatever was done would have been circulated widely. I believed him, though; it just wasn't for me, and I wasn't starving.

I had a college roommate who became an escort in order to afford his own apartment while he studied acting. I lost track of him, but I think the acting career went bye bye.

People are stupid when they're young, you know. They make all kinds of bad decisions, and if you don't believe me, think of all those "practice" first marriages.

People get married right out of high school in a rush of hormones and shallow romanticism, and by the time they divorce a few years later they've had kids. That's entirely common, and if you ask me, it's a lot more victimizing (of third parties, the kids) than doing a porn film or two.

Then there are the people who skip college for a low-paying job and an easy time, and never climb the ladder. Or who go for a fantasy career (like acting) they'll never succeed in. Is that better than the UCLA student who does some porn to help pay his tuition, and ends up with a degree?

I had a friend who was a porn model in the 70's (a few short films -- "loops"). By the time I knew him he was a professor at a local college.




I found him on this one as "Paul" (speaking of Pauls, he's also on my gay list.... He just hasn't done porn - or has he???):

I knew he was gay from the moment I saw him.... I was like "He's such a sexy 'mo...." then I saw the porn and I was like "Knew it!!!"


Someone like JP is a great gay role model. He's also very conscious of appearing "too sexual," as is evident when he turned down a job playing "doctor."

Hopefully, we won't find a massive porno skeleton in his closet. As for the topic at hand, as I said, I'm disappointed in Martin but that doesn't mean I'm going to hold it against him indefinitely. He's entitled to get on with his life, however, I am disappointed with the decision he made, particularly now that he's a role model to young gay men.


Is JP gay?? I think he's great btw.


JP and Martin have both said on the show that they were gay. Well Martin didn't say while filming but both Chandler and Alana (black plus sized model) both said they he told them he was gay. JP came out to Janice when he was asked to be on a gay magazine cover.


I wouldnt of realised, Martin and JP seemed like they are straight.



Are you serious? I would have never expected that from him especially considerign he seems to be the nicest model in the house.


lol, no comment.

the boy is a sweetheart, btw.
