MovieChat Forums > Conversations with God (2006) Discussion > organized religion is a crutch and a sha...

organized religion is a crutch and a sham for weak minded people

so sayeth the wise former governor of Minnesota, eh? ALL organized religion is MADE UP! Dont any of you get it? Christianity is nothing more than Roman and Greek mythology stripped of all "gods" except ZEUS, hence the Spanish pronunciation of Jesus (HEY ZEUS). Just like PT Barnum said, theres a sucker born every minute. Ive just got to invent my own "religion" like Scientology (invented by a sci fi author no less) or come up with some magic cool aid for the flying saucer ride. while predatory capitalism is the cause of all wars, Organized religion is usually the excuse. hey I wonder if all those catholic priests who molested choirboys are going to heaven since ZEUS forgives everyone if they just ask nicely. Hell must be a pretty empty place.


Atheism is just as much a religion as any doctrine. Why is it atheists always attack Christianity but say nothing about Hinduism, Islam, Native American Beliefs, etc...? You need to watch The Secret. James Ray explains it like this, everything in the Universe, at its most basic level is made of energy. Energy has always existed and cannot be destroyed. It is moving into form, through form, and out of form, but it never ceases to exist. Humans, way down at the cellular level, and even beyond to the subatomic level, are composed of energy. This is the same energy that comprises the universe. In short, we are an energy field operating within a larger energy field. "So if you think you are just this meat-suit running around, think again, you are a spiritual being." James Arthur Ray.

James Ray is not the only one who things this way, look at the works of Fred Allen Wolf, PhD physicist, Deepak Chopra, and others.

This is not to say that organized religion isn't a terribly destructive force; it can be and often is. However, one's personal faith in the author of Creation, whether you call it God, or energy, or the Infinate Radiant Is, is a matter for the individual and all of the harping by the bitter, antagonistic people out there really doesn't mean anything. If a person chooses to believe that we are just pink talking monkeys that is there right. Just as it is the right of others to place their faith where they choose. The main point is that we are free to believe whatever we want and one lie as as good as another. One Truth, however, is infallible.

OK, enough said. We'll all find out if we're right about our beliefs when we're dead. If we're just pink-talking-monkeys, then the end of our existence will demonstrate to us that point. If, however, our consciousness survives the transformation that coincided the termination of our physical presence (our bodies) then we'll know too.

Anger is the breeze that blows out the lamp of the mind


Mahtoska Wrote:
""Why is it atheists always attack Christianity but say nothing about Hinduism, Islam, Native American Beliefs, etc...?""

1. because Western atheists 'attack' the devil they know.
2. because Hinduism, Islam, Native American Beliefs, etc don't have the missionary zeal christianity does. Missionary zeal appears self-righteously arrogant and opens the gates to accusations of hypocrisy. Accusations of hypocrisy fly fast and easy because some Christian sects are particularly keen on telling other people how to live. So the occasional examples of publicly Christian faces with their hands in various cookie jars or a yen for sexual pratfalls are greeted with evangelical heat from the gregarious atheists who wish to share.


I hate to burst all your oh-so-interesting bubbles and self centered to self righteous opinions, but this is MOVIE board made for opinions on movies.
Do you see were I'm going with this?
So please, at least keep your senseless complaining and ranting to movies.


Have you seen Zeitgeist?

I got it from a Usenet news group and the part on religion blew me away.

The other two parts are just as good - and controversial.

People should watch it at least once. I think snippets of it can be seen at Youtube. The whole version is movie length.

Become a Ham Radio Operator!
Getting a license is so easy.


God be with us all. You will find you need Him at least once in your lifetime. You either choose to accept his help or not.


The point that makes me mad about these kind of posts is that atheists argue that Christians don't have proof that GOD exist. I AM ASKING YOU WHERE IS YOUR PROOF THAT HE DOESN'T? Surely if all you atheists are so right, then you should be able to go right out and prove it right? WELL I AM WAITING FOR YOUR ANSWER! If you can PROVE that GOD doesn't exist, then thats terrific, but guess what, no atheist or anybody else has EVER proven that he doesn't exist. Now am I saying I am right, that he does exist?
Why do I say he exists? Because what most people do when it comes to the bible is they contrast it to science, when really they are one in the same. I mean if you look all the things that Moses does with his rod in exodus, it can and is sometimes deliberately explained by scientific things. There is no separation in the bible and science.

EXAMPLE: EXODUS 14:21 "And Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the LORD caused the sea to go back by a "strong east wind" all that night, and made the sea dry land, and the waters were divided".

Thus there is a logical, which some would call scientific, explanation to things in the bible.

Basically what I am trying to say is that science "backs up" things in the bible, thus most things are not disproved but rather proven that they happened because of scientific proof. As for the things that cannot be explained, thats for Christians to understand and for others to marvel at as wonders of God. For even Jesus spoke in parable to the masses and when the disciples didn't understand the parables and wanted an explanation, Jesus said the truly faithful will understand, but for those less faithful only parables could be used. Now I didn't quote that word for word but I believe that is written in the book of Mathew.


Christians believe in an omnipotent, omniscient, all-loving God. The number of pieces of evidence that prove this doesn't exist goes on way longer than i could recount here, but the general state of the world today should be a big old clue! Don't give me the bollocks that he gave us freedom of will, and refuses to intervene, as most of the Christians i know believe he intervenes all the time, why bother praying for someone or something otherwise? Just look at an American athlete winning a prize, they always thank God first.... why? Either he interfered and helped you win, and therefore doesn't care about the millions dying in agony around the world, or he didn't, in which case why pray or thank him.

You want evidence? How do you like them fruits of the tree of knowledge?

"Yeah? Well, you know... that's just like, uh... your opinion, man"


Most of today's issues are brought on by religion. Get rid of religion and the world would most likely become a peaceful place.

Unfortunately, those brainwashed with god are hopeless.

Bush'ite: n: subhuman that voted for Bush.


"organized religion is a crutch and a sham for weak minded people".......

wow,...i've never heard it quite like that before....very profound.

"If the milk turns out to be sour, I ain't the kinda pussy to drink it" - Rory Breaker (Lock'Stock)


I too wonder why people get frustrated at people expressing themselves. That IS the point of having a forum in the first place, is it not? For myself I would say that I am a christian and a believer through my own experiances in life.

But I agree with many athiest's posts here, that "religion" is used to control the masses with fear and to me that seems to very wrong. This will create a reality that most I think will reject. and fair enough too.

I would say that if you don't like, or believe, any of the content of the movie, or books that neal walsch has written, than thats fine. My opinion or observation is that you shouldn't "believe" what the books say, or what religion states, or what even the bible says, you should (can only) believe what you choose to believe for yourself.

The best way I have found to do this is to be completely honest with what you think (which is why I love the opinion of the athiest, they are usually more honest than the so called christian, they say things as they see it)and I think you and myself will see the bigger picture of why we are here in the first place. Or at least how we feel about it. And if others disagree, then so be it.

Love yourself and love one another fully, this is the way I choose to live, regardless of what and how I am told to live.


This is to the OP. What is exactly was the point in you coming here just to post that other than to make yourself look like an ass? You seem to claim you don't like organized religion yet here you are on the forum of a movie with religion as the subject. Are you really that obsessed with religion? Or is it just christianity that you have so much interest in? If you really so intrigued that you have to spend all your time checking out christianity then maybe me and you should schedule a bible study sometime?

No offence. I am christian but I don't go around shoving my beliefs down other peoples throats. So why ARE you hear to try and force your ways upon people?



Are you kidding me? I hate to fight, but Roman and Greek mythology was made up by a mad woman named Semiramis who was married to Nimrod (look it up). They were descendents of Noah and decided they didn't want people to worship God so they set up a hierarchy and declared themselves as gods. Semiramis set herself up as the Goddess of love and fertility. She then had Nimrod killed and declared her son to be Nimrod raised from the dead, like "Jesus", they called him Zeus! So get the story right, Christianity, well Judaism has been here longer than mythology. And as for the catholic priests, they abused their power and most likely are going to hell. Unless God has mercy and they really do have a change of heart then they ARE!


What about the intelligent scholars of studies in the fields of physics to theology who ascribe to a faith? Are they weak minded?

If we do away with religion, is there really a social body of thought that believes crime will cease at global scales? What about the street crimes of New York City? Do thieves go around robbing old women only in the name of theology?

The problem of crime exists not because of the principles of any theology practiced today but the wants of people. If one studies the various theologies of the world, it will be evident that none of those religions endorses the murder of innocent people to satisfy their set beliefs.

However, killings in the name of religion do occur. Obviously that doesn't make sense. But as social scientists research, it is clear that violence occurs due to the unreachable needs of one being or a group and not because one is compelled by some non-existent religious script to cause evil. [edit start] However those individuals or groups use a theology to summon a historical conflict that has affected their theology and attempt to parallel the themes in justifying the actions they take to acquire their needs. [edit end]

Even if Christianity is "nothing more than Roman and Greek mythology", it still teaches its followers to do good things. What's the harm in that? How does that affect the nonbeliever? Those who deviate from a religion's script cease to be members of that religion. It's plausible for that person to go and cause harm onto another. He believes perhaps he did it to satisfy his religion. But which religion? It's never the religion which goes astray but always the individual.

Even atheists can tell right or wrong; religion isn't necessarily needed for that.


I do not follow any of the religions that man has come up with on this planet but do NOT completely dismiss a god or higher being etc. however

This is what i have to say about all religions as i would say about anything-

It is not a negative thing until it is abused and used for evil purposes and its not the religion or the belief system that is bad (providing it is positive) but it is the certain (not all) people who represent it that give it a bad reputation and bad name who are bad!!!!

There are good people in the world regardless of philosophical beliefs, be it christianity, atheism, muslim etc. but there are also bad people in the world to, regardless of philosophical beliefs be it christianity, atheism or muslim etc.

If religion makes people happy and makes them a decent person then who cares, just live and let live, but if they use it for evil then thats something which should be dealt with.

As for my own beliefs, well id like to say that I DONT KNOW, and im quite happy that way, if i find out the truth, i find out, if i dont then so be it.
Although i do think it is a practical impossiblity for a being to be omnipotent. The very concept is flawed when applied to ANY religion or anything for that matter.

Also one last thing- in my opinion to think that you are superior to someone or that they are worthless just because of difference in opinion on anything, is actually evil and unacceptable.
So as i said before, live and let live and do not be hurtful or hateful towards others just because of philosphical differences.



Check out this collection of weak minded people:

Sir Isaac Newton
C.S. Lewis
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
J.R.R. Tolkien
Johnny Cash
Salvador Dali
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Geoffrey Chaucer
Mohandas Gandhi
Bob Dylan
Ernest Hemingway
Nicolaus Copernicus
D.W. Griffith
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Al Gore
Jimmy Stewart
Victor Hugo
Leonardo Da Vinci

My father, who has a 165 I.Q., was a rocket scientist, worked for NASA, made six figs.
My cousin, who is a doctor working in the trauma ward at a children's ER
My uncle, who was a commander in the Navy and has a genius I.Q.
And my cousin, who is in the C.I.A. and earns over six figs.


God is or isn't. That's up to you.


I appreciate you posted the list as a response against the stupid subject line of this thread. I have to admit, i find it distasteful. I know many intelligent, strong-minded people who are religious. The woman i love is Moslem, and i'm not attracted to unintelligent weak-willed people. But it still proves nothing. We have developed, through evolution, a strong tendency at an early age to believe what we are told by our elders. This is an obvious survival mechanism - they generally tell us what is best for us. Unless something happens to seriously shake these beliefs, they are held. This has nothing to do with intellectual prowess. Barring Al Gore, Bob Dylan and Johnny Cash this is hardly a very contemporary list, most of the names come from an age when non-theism was not a widely accepted mode of thought, and so they would have experienced few influences that might cause them to doubt what they have been told. I also suspect that Al Gore declaring he's a Christian has much to do with the fact that it's unthinkable nowadays for most Americans to vote a non-theist into office... but i admit i don't know that, i'm lucky enough to live in a country where we consider the religion of our political leaders irrelevant.

"Yeah? Well, you know... that's just like, uh... your opinion, man"

