MovieChat Forums > Leroy & Stitch (2006) Discussion > Why did Disney bother to make Leroy And ...

Why did Disney bother to make Leroy And Stitch?

When Lilo And Stitch came out in theaters in 2002 it seemed that due to the success of the movie Stitch seemed to grow into one of Disney's popular superstar celebrities and so based on the success of Lilo And Stitch Disney created Stitch The Movie based on the fact that the movie would be huge enough to want a sequel and the cartoon series. But what I can't figure out is why Disney made Leroy And Stitch in the first place? When I saw it on Disney+ I was shocked at the storyline it had and why Lilo said goodbye to Stitch was a surprise because in the first movie Stitch is Lilo's "pet" and throughout the movie Lilo's really sad and was really upset and not even Nani could comfort her. The star of the movie Leroy is just Stitch with a red color and identical in personality to Stitch and for Disney to call the movie the finale of the Lilo And Stitch series is just wrong because with Lilo And Stitch still popular I'm sure that Disney could make a new movie with a different actress playing Lilo's voice instead of just ending the series. Because you still can see Lilo And Stitch merchandise in stores and have character breakfasts with Lilo And Stitch at the Disney theme parks. So why bother ending the movie series with Leroy And Stitch and just make another movie to go with it
