Due for a comeback?

With the growing popularity of supernatural tv shows, does anybody think that a new rendition of Dresden Files could do well? At the time that Dresden Files was out, the only other tv show that was around was, oddly enough, Supernatural which, although was/is good, probably got by more on the aesthetic appearance of the actors and actresses, something Dresden Files didn't really have (no offence to those acting in DF). If done right, I think it could do well in today's market. I think it was put on the air just a touch too early before.


With the extensive mythology from the books, this show could make a great comeback, especially as you said with all the supernatural tv shows growing in popularity. Supernatural is still kicking along (but getting a little thin imo) and Sleepy Hollow is off to a great start. It was put out at a time where even Supernatural was fighting for survival and now its got a tremendous fan base. If they brought it back, would you want it taking so many liberties from the books or have it done as a direct adaptation?


Knowing that a direct adaptation wouldn't work for television, I would still like for them to stay as true to the source material as possible. Jim Butcher has a vast library of books and therefore, stories that they could pull from. Game of Thrones only has 5 books (I believe) and has managed to stay mostly true to the source (some changes and omissions, but still relatively true), so I don't see any reason why they couldn't do Dresden Files and follow the book story lines.


I think that would be great. I just got into the show based upon "Recommended for You" on my Netflix account. I really liked the actors who were cast as Dresden and the ghost (whose name escapes me right now). Sadly, I don't think that they would be offered roles in the "rebooted" version if that were ever to happen.

You mentioned the TV climate in 2007. Frankly, I don't remember what TV shows aired at that time. You're right in that the current TV climate might be more receptive to a show like this now.


I would love to see a comeback but from what I read the writer and the network had what could be called creative differences, networks love to change stuff. Looks like they (networks) have the TV rights and buried the show. Except for Netflix I haven't seen any other reruns. :-(


I'd love to see a film per book. There is even more popularity of supernatural TV shows and films, and more venues to develop slightly-more-fringe projects (Netflix, Amazon, etc. looking to develop their own content). With 16 books to draw from (so far) there is plenty of material to do this up right.


Yeah!!!! I just wrote a post about how Rudolph Martin could be a great Harry if they did a reboot and were prepared to do it properly. But let's face it, if any of the major Networks did do a reboot, they would probably go for some young studlet aim it at the youth market and ruin the whole thing. MacGyver being an example. Wonder if the GOT people would be interested after GOT is finished or Peter Jackson for movies????



No comeback.

Whatever happened to Sleepy Hollow, with its great fan base, snicker/sneer?
