Only in America?

Europeans don't give a *beep* about the word *beep* or about any other so-called "obscenity." Case in point? Watch the British version of "The Office," then watch the American version. In fact, a very visual example was shown in the movie involving a concert. If that Janet Jackson incident had happened in the UK, no one would have batted an eye.

It's America that has a problem with the word *beep* The question is why? And why not anyone else?


Why does every single country have to rip U.S. for stupid sh!t like this?

Probably because we can wipe there asses with there own government?


Hey moron, the rest of the world laughs at us because Americans (mostly sheep) let the government control us. So many people in this country are brainwashed into thinking this is the best place in the world. Keep your head up your ass, it's safer there.


the truth is America has become a *beep* dependant country. The fact that a documentary is based on a single word and its importance tells you a lot of its relevance in the United States and the english language.

So, I'm not so sure America has a problem with the word *beep*. On the contrary, the best *beep* lately (movies, HBO, music, etc) come from America, IMHO ;)
It's just that there's a group of people who just can't stand that and others "obscenities". I'm sure it happens EVERYWHERE, not just in America and not just with the english language.

In fact, what would the world be without those annoying extreme christians disgusted by anything related to sex? LOL!

It's fun to fight them ...or agree with them!



america is the greatest country in the world. and if you dont like it, you can kiss my pink ass


I see this as part of a much greater understanding -
All language, verbal or otherwise, is symbolic and contextual, used to describe both the abstract and the apparent. The connections between any given symbol and an emotion or similar thought can be reinforced through repetitious programming, that's what drives learning, but those connections are ultimately arbitrary.
For example, we have learned to associate the Swastika with the vile evil of the Nazis, but also unfortunately take a connection far enough to the degree of automatically assuming that anyone openly utilizing a swastika in public, endorses the Nazi regime and its' methods. We could back this up with other symbols - whether the person Sieg Heils, for example, but even between the increasing body of evidence, we cannot PROVE they are a Nazi. All *probability* points to the fact - and both Occam's Razor and the physiological need to regulate energy use towards the simplest mental route will back that up - but so much more neurological processing is present in that other person that you cannot see in those short judging seconds. The person could in fact, be making an anti-Nazi statement, for all you know!
Despite your preconceived beliefs, no one can make such a judgment call on another person's character, simply because all truth and evidence are a patchwork of probability - guesses - pointing to the frightening truth that NO ONE IS IN CONTROL OF ANYTHING. The system is an incredibly complex ongoing series of equations, that some might attempt to control but, beyond the act of creating or utilizing an act or symbol with our minds, or increasing the chance of a certain outcome, is ultimately out of our hands.
Obviously we draw the moral line at impinging upon the civil liberties of someone else, which is what the Nazis did with such horror. The general public's association of simple words with kneejerk moral outrage, on the other hand, is laughable and points to a superstitious need to be outraged.

Most of these words are to do with sex and bodily functions: they come from years of the need of the upper-class to separate themselves from what they viewed as the coarse working classes, where a lot of these words came from. That's why I believe censorship is rooted in shame and fear. It says to me that people attempt to change their reality through altering language, because they cannot handle the worst reality of what they really are - horny, defecating, violent, neurotic beasts with a wildly flailing need to control. The truly mature mind sees no word or image as an automatic connection to anything else, for when you label something with force you give it the seal of truth, you stop it acting as it really is - free and independent of your thoughts, associations, emotions and mental imprinting. Instead, you act from the mammalian-reptilian brain - and essentially stop your mind working properly.

Subjective experience is a dream: language is our canvas for creating ideas and solutions to problems within it, which we can then bring into this world. People should be free to make their own conclusions free of assumption, expectation and all other imposed mental barriers. Profanity is just one of them, as is lust for power, fear of sexuality and death and drugs, religious hatred - all products of a mind that, in needing to control an illusion to avoid pain, creates the pain in the first place!
So quiet your mind. Everything is, and that's all there is anyway. Learn how to do something much more important - love, freely, every day. The things you own will end up destroying you, so let them go.

The most important thing you need to know...
Is that you don't know sh!t.


Yes, but in Britain you censor out the word "crap". How do I know this? Well, I know this because in British versions of the Simpsons, the word crap is censored (along with itchy and scratchy).



Well I once heard Mr Belvedere say he was going to "spank a young girlĀ“s fanny" at 5pm and outside of america that my friends is pretty damn (or should I say darn for the easily offended) offensive!

And if I can paraphrase a childrenĀ“s saying: Sticks and stones can break my bone but words will never hurt me.

End of facking argument!


haha, it's rated PG here in Iceland.


Thats what makes our country great.
We can express emotion. If I didnt like something someone said or did. I have the right to say whatever I want.


I live in Estonia.One thing I love about living here,is that you can swear as much as you want,they use word "fu*k" in public television all the time (kurat is an Estonian equivalent of fu*k ),in fact,Estonian crime shows similar to NYPD Blue use strip scenes and swearing all the time,and nobody is whining.And they air American movies like Scarface unedited on network channels at 7 p.m.
Europe kicks a$$ !


Sorry if America still has some good morals.

Rule #1: Never see George Clooney Films


MORALS????? Don't make me laugh. You think it's ok to show violence, but not someone having simulated sex, showing a breast, saying a "naughty" word and so on. That's just idiotic. I saw a commercial for diapers in the states, and the baby's bottom was actually pixellated. How absurd is that? I'm not saying they should swear all over the place, but after 8 or 9 pm I see no problem with it. America needs to wake up and see that "indecent language" and Janet Jackson's breast is not something to get upset about.


"Sorry if America still has some good morals."

That was funny. Thanks.


Europe as one coherent thing doesn't exist. I'm quite sure that some European countries are more restricted than others. This idea that Americans are conservative and Europe is liberal par say is a gross exaggeration.
