So was Fred immortal?

I know that this is a fantasy/ Christmas story but I found it strange that since Nick became a saint and his whole family became immortal that Fred would become a Repo-man and live such an ordinary life. So if he married and had kids with the Meter-Maid, then he would have to see them die? What was he doing between his brother becoming a saint to present time.




If Santa married a woman and made her immortal maybe Fred could do the same.


Do we know Mrs. Santa was immortal? If so, that must be some powerful Claus sperm, and probably Fred left behind a bunch of immortal babies over the course of many centuries.


this has gotten out of hand


Not really, monkierench. Because giving a Claus a handjob didn't confer immortality; you had to go full monty. It's science.


There's never any mention of either Santa or Fred having (or having had in the past) children. I assume immortals in this universe are infertile like they are in Highlander (just with less beheading!). I think it is specified in the narration that the immortality extends to "significant others" so yeah, Fred's wife would become immortal too. To be honest, it's just a plot device to get them into the modern setting and kinda falls apart if you think about it too deeply so it's best to just go with it! lol


at the start the narrator said "it is a very little known rule of sainthood, but when u become a saint u freeze in time enterally ageles, the rule applys to the family of the saint and spouses as well


I guess it was a "very little known rule of sainthood" because they made it up just for this movie.


Oh Bilwick1, your replies do not make sense. How are "hand jobs" a reply to my statement that this thread has gotten out of hand?


How can you not figure that out? Out of hand...hand jobs. Out of HAND...HAND jobs. Yeesh.

I was Frozen TODAY!


To be fair, it is partially figuratively true. Saints do get somewhat immortalized in a way. Posthumously. But there is that eternal life in heaven thing they're supposed to get for being so saintly. Though technically, they'd have that even without the sainthood, being as they were so nice in the first place...


My question on this subject is why Santa looks so old compared to Fred. We know Fred is older and if he was frozen in time when Nick became a saint, shouldn't Fred look older?

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


Santa's hair is white due to stress and he's fat because he over-eats. Fred takes better care of himself and is happy-go-lucky so didn't "age" so much before his immortality kicked in :-)


If he married the metermaid, she would become immortal and their children would live forever too. However, if he just accidentally impregnated her, I believe she and the children would age normally.

I too wondered about his life before modern times. Wouldn't his friends question how he gets to live forever?


Perhaps Fred will have the similar problems like Highlander.

Come visit my


Watching everyone die over the course of many centuries... now that would take the movie in a whole other direction...

"Now, bring me that horizon."


Are the elves immortal too?
