MovieChat Forums > First Sunday (2008) Discussion > First Sunday = What's wrong with IMDB

First Sunday = What's wrong with IMDB

44 % of the people who saw this movie gave this a 1 rating, and nearly 19% gave this movie a 10. So two thirds of the people who saw this movie felt it was either Oscar/best picture quality or deserved a Razzie for worst picture. Am I the only one who thinks this is rediculous??? This movie is far from being an oscar quality film, but it's also not nearly the worst movie I've seen over the past year. With any ratings system, you expect a few goofballs to give out way too many 10's and you expect a few film snobs to give out too many 1's, but 63%?? It boggles the mind........O, and I gave this movie a 6, cause Kat Williams is halarius.


I agree wholeheartedly. There's something wrong with the rating system...and it could be where my taste in movies skews from the typical IMDb voter, because, like Hiphophippie23, I enjoyed this movie - in fact, I would rate it higher than alot of Tyler Perry moves which try to accomplish the same thing but fall far short. Yes, it's not stellar, but not a skunk either. This movie definitely deserves a rating more along the lines of a 6...but definitely not a 4. It might be an indicator that Hiphophippie23 and myself are probably not "average" from what the typical IMDb voter finds enjoyable, but I don't think we're that far from the mean either, and the fact that IMDb's rating system does not seem to be reflecting our votes might mean there is an inaccurate skew might be missing relevant votes of some of the audience


I felt that it was average or slightly above.. 5 or 6 material , to be honest.

are you going to bark all day little doggie,, or are you going to bite
