More movies like this

I wanted to watch a movie that will raise some intriguing questions regarding life, that will include amazing cinematography to serve my eyes and that will involve heart touching soundtrack. In short, I wanted to see a movie that will take me from my current stressful state to other realms. Some example of these kind of movies were Requiem for a dream, Spirited away, Eyes wide shut, Stalker, Mulholland dr, Wristcutters: a love story and many others that I would like to wrote down here but won't to make this short. Still I can't miss Big Fish, Scott Pilgrim, Interstate 60, Black Swan, Sweeney Todd, The Fall and Amelie :). I will stop here because this list started to look like a list of good movies in general. Still you should check them out.

I choose this movie and I think that I hit the jackpot concerning what I currently look for a movie. So my hope is that you can give me names of more movies like this, especially in the sense of mystical story, cinematography and soundtrack. Thanks in advance.


Go to your bathroom and flush your toilet for two hours watching the water spin.


I've already seen that one


Have you seen "Beyond the Black Rainbow"? Not a movie regarding life as much, but it does have, I think, a mystical story with great cinematography (made to look like it was made in the 70's as well) and a good, weird soundtrack.


Definitely the movie The Fountain. I think its better than Mr. Nobody though. Its really a masterpiece. Its about accepting your own death when the time comes. It was also made with no CGI whatsoever and it looks impressive, even today.


Being John Malkovich


The Butterfly Effect (2004)


"Frequency" w/ Dennis Quaid.



I Know it's a bit dated compared to the rest, but let's not forget "Slaughterhouse 5". Definitely worth checking out. Besides, it's Kurt Vonnegut Jr!



ITT the loosest *beep* interpretation of "movies like this" ever


In addition to a number of the movies already mentioned here, I'd recommend The Nines.

The only armchair movie critic endorsed by Glen Coco!




amelie (2001)
