Joke reused from THE WEST WING

Pardon me for messing this up, but it's pretty similar:

A young Jewish man calls his mother. He asks, "How are you doing?"
"Not well. I haven't eaten in 38 days."
"You haven't eaten in 38 days! WHY?"
"I didn't want my mouth to be full just in case you called."

On The WEST WING, Donna tells this joke to Josh.
On STUDIO 60, Matt tells this joke to Harriet so she has a joke she can tell to a group of people giving her an award. Everytime she tries to tell it, she messes it up.

"What time is Recess?"


Of the many things Mr. Sorkin has recycled between shows and movies he cannot be blamed for this. Amy tells that very tired joke to Josh in season five.


If he wrote, he can be blamed for it.., but if it was another writer..

"What time is Recess?"


Sorkin was gone by season five and to this date hasn't watched it.


so if he was gone by season 5, the new writers must've gone back to review old episodes and ""borrowed"" some dialogue to make it sound like it was Sorkin.

"What time is Recess?"


Eli Attie was a writer for The West Wing past season 4 and also a writer for Studio 60.
