MovieChat Forums > The Class (2006) Discussion > Bring back THE CLASS!!

Bring back THE CLASS!!

The Big Bang Theory stinks!!! BRING BACK THE CLASS!!!!!!!!


I need to understand something.
so Big Bang theory replaced the class?
so then what was CBS's schedule
How I Met your mother
Big Bang theory
Two and a Half Men
Rules of Engagement.

wouldnt it be more plausable for CBS to cancel Rules of Engagement for The Class, since it is the better show. and then have a great 2 hours of quality comedy instead of an hour and a half and then not so good comedy until the juggernaut that is CSI miami.

they would totally own Mondays.


I liked it. I would have liked more episodes.


da rd: Yes, having The Class in that 9:30 spot would have been golden. If Big Bang is going to be here, fine. Rules of E should have been the one to get the axe. That's the worst show on the whole block. Since CBS refuses to open up another night of comedy like they used to do, we have to accept what they choose to shoehorn into four spots on one night.

The Class no doubt would have done much better and gained steam/viewers if granted a second season. Even Friends and Seinfeld had low rated first seasons, took off around season two and shot to the top for years.

I know TV is (sadly) different nowadays, and the ratings mean money and all that stuff...but it's sad when such a great show like The Class featuring great writing, a great cast, crisp production, can't be brought back for another season just to see what could develop.

CBS - thanks for the memories


I hate The Big Bang Theory also, I have never even watched an episode, it looked stupid from the previews, I agree The Class needs to resume.


BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! How dare they cancel The Class! Now i'm hooked, it's just mean! They may as well have injected me with class A drugs every day after hollyoaks lol - now they just take it all away lol. Goddmmit!!!! lol


Ok, THEY totally need to bring back the Class!!! I bet my husband $100 that they would bring it back because I had no doubt that it would come back. If they are not planning on bringing it back that is just totally wrong!! I LOVE THAT SHOW. Also, they left us hanging on all aspects. They can't do that to us!!!!! I so agree with some of the other comments that I read. The Big Bang Theory, Rules of Engagment, I don't watch either one of these. I watch Two and Half Men and The New Adventures of Old Christine. I surprised they brought that back because its a really good show. They always get rid of the best shows. Like one person said, they don't get the audience. So I hope they read these comments and I sure hope they bring back The Class because that show has a lot of "Class".


Big Bang Theory is actually really funny. That show and The Class would have been the perfect pair. Agree with above posters, they should have gotten rid of Rules of Engagement, most boring show on the planet.


I'd give my middle nut for THE CLASS to come back. A seriously awesome show that was judged way too soon for it to reach its full potential. DAMN YOU GREEDY BASTARDS AT CBS!!!


Big bang theory is good, I enjoy watching it, but the class was fab, I cant believe they cancelled it.


oh well, life goes on...



Why was it cancelled in the first place


I'm actually addicted to the repeats already!

My techer said i could be anything i wanted to be - So i became drunk


It was cancelled because CBS didn't like the ratings it was getting. But who are we to complain with great hits like Christine or Big Bang Theory? :rolleyes:


I was so gutted when it was announced that the class wouldn't be releasing a second season. Bring it back ):
