MovieChat Forums > The Class (2006) Discussion > SERVES them RIGHT to get CANCELED! Haha


this show was rightly canceled for being too white. What, 7 cast members and not one of them black, latino or asian? but about half jewish? I exaggerate but not by much.

Especially those of us who witnessed the shameful hypocritical display at their press conference by the launch of their show, will feel vindicated.
After 4 or 5 evasive answers why there were no black, latino or asian character in a seven or eight cast member show, the producers, who also gave us lily white Friends for 10 years:

"Eeeeh ... we could NOT FIND ANY?"

WHAT ??!!!!!


Yeah there should have definitely been a couple token black characters. That way you could complain about how they were portrayed.



Change the record kid. You're misguided sheep-shagging comments are getting extremely repetitive, not to mention dull.

Which is it, is man one of God's blunders or is God one of man's? - Friedrich Nietzsche


I'm black and I don't mind in the last that there is no minority in the cast. The show was the best. I'm currently watching the season on YouTube. I so wish there was at least one more season. That's the only problem: there's not enough of it!


Did it ever occur to you that maybe there were none of those in their class? Or, if there were they had enough sense not to show up to a party with people from 20 years ago that they don't know jack about?
