MovieChat Forums > Bella (2007) Discussion > Bella is Beautiful, Inspiring and Worthy...

Bella is Beautiful, Inspiring and Worthy of Support

I recently saw the new independent film, Bella, and loved it! I found this movie to be well worth my time and money. I love that it is a clean movie about life and love that goes beyond one's self. It's so refreshing to see a movie that is clean and has an important message about life and love. "True love goes beyond romance" and "One person can change your life forever" are some of the slogans for the movie and they say it well. This movie shows how to love others well not thinking about yourself. I highly recommend it and hope you'll join me in supporting this movie!

Also, last weekend I had the privilege of hearing from one of the producers while I was at a conference. It was very inspiring and encouraging to hear the heart behind the movie. I'm so thankful that there are people out there who want to make a difference as well as give the audience a good movie experience. Watch the video clips about the making of "Bella" on or the website:


