MovieChat Forums > Interview (2007) Discussion > Anything silmilar to this?

Anything silmilar to this?

I loved this film, as have not yet seen the original (although I will eventually), but does anyone know of similar films? Films in which the character interactions carry the film. With an original plot.


Hard Candy (2005)
The Business of Strangers (2001)
Oleanna (1994)
Tape (2001)


Try the HBO show In Treatment. It was all I could think of when I saw this for the first time yesterday.


"My Dinner with Andre" by Louis Malle is all dialogue, too, although the subject is a different one. Nevertheless VERY worth checking out!


12 Angry Men




If you liked Interview you will love Insignificance (1985), based on an imaginary meeting between Albert Einstein and Marilyn Monroe. GREAT film!!!


I adore Insignificance also. Not many people even remember that film. I remember reviewers and such complaining that Theresa Russell didn't look anything like the actress, but I have never seen anyone capture the essence of the peculiar bird that was Marilyn Monire like she did. So far I am loving the film I'm watching. I love Sienna Miller. Something about her I like. She'd make a good Monroe. She also made a good Edie Sedgwick


Before Sunrise and its sequel Before Sunset


And the last in this trilogy Before Midnight:)


This flick reminded me of "Tape" (2001) and "Carnage" (2011)

Passenger side, lighting the sky
Always the first star that I find
You're my satellite...


Jet Lag

Juliette Binoche
Jean Reno

The battle of the sexes just got sexier.
A worn-out businessman and a beautician on the run collide in a Paris airport. Love arrives, all its hurdles be damned.
