MovieChat Forums > Interview (2007) Discussion > Wow, extremely overrated.

Wow, extremely overrated.

A 7.5 rating? And all of these raves upon raves of how much people LOVED this movie? I really don't understand.
I love Steve Buscemi's work. He was a wonderful actor as always and the directing was done quite well. So bravo on his part. But besides just a few likeable scenes, I felt that at the end of the move I wasted 80 minutes of my life.
Katya was one of the most annoying characters to watch. I understand that they may have been expressing she had some sort of bi-polar issues with some blow thrown in but it was WAY over done. I couldn't even believe what I was seeing.
And are we actually supposed to believe that this super famous celebrity wanted by thousands of men would invite this old coot up to her apartment all alone, and get him drunk on top of that? Come on now!
I won't even get started on the ending. Shocked, yes a little bit, but stupid none the less.
Highly dissapointing.


I don't agree with you. This is a fascinating film with a great script and excellent performances. Both characters where annoying, likeable, selfish, etc etc etc . . . ie just like all people everywhere.

I really enjoyed this film. Just my opinion of course but it just seemed very "real" to me.

"In a universe so full of wonders human beings have managed to invent boredom. Quite astonishing."


Well, by now the rating has dropped to 6.8. So maybe as more people see it, it will continue to sink to a lower level. I guess only time will tell.



I haven't seen the film, but I 'm amused by your desire that everyone be affected by this film exactly as you were.


Well, you've made an unwarranted assumption. I never criticized the film. I was merely commenting on the ratings trend. I never said I wanted to see it continue downward. I merely said that only time would tell whether it would sink farther.

In fact it has risen one-tenth of a point since I posted. I suspect it will remain in the high sixes indefinitely. But as I said before, only time will tell.

It is better to be kind than to be clever or good looking. -- Derek
