MovieChat Forums > Interview (2007) Discussion > Wow, extremely overrated.

Wow, extremely overrated.

A 7.5 rating? And all of these raves upon raves of how much people LOVED this movie? I really don't understand.
I love Steve Buscemi's work. He was a wonderful actor as always and the directing was done quite well. So bravo on his part. But besides just a few likeable scenes, I felt that at the end of the move I wasted 80 minutes of my life.
Katya was one of the most annoying characters to watch. I understand that they may have been expressing she had some sort of bi-polar issues with some blow thrown in but it was WAY over done. I couldn't even believe what I was seeing.
And are we actually supposed to believe that this super famous celebrity wanted by thousands of men would invite this old coot up to her apartment all alone, and get him drunk on top of that? Come on now!
I won't even get started on the ending. Shocked, yes a little bit, but stupid none the less.
Highly dissapointing.


I would invite him to my apartment aswell and...ok, moving on... I loved this movie. One of my favorites already.


Really?! If I were her I would have been scared of being raped...or killed, or who knows what. I mean he is a complete stranger for God's sake. What, is this movie teaching young women that it is okay to take an unkown man that was being very rude to you up into your apartment alone? Hmmm.
I'm not talking crap *about* people who love this movie, this is just my opinion :)

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * * let's be friends!


What, is this movie teaching young women that it is okay to take an unkown man that was being very rude to you up into your apartment alone?

I hope you're kidding.....


Yeah, it's not the message of the movie. It's not what it is about.

But yeah, I would take Steve Buscemi anyday. He's yummy :-)


"I hope you're kidding..."

did it sound like i was? =)

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * * let's be friends!


No, you sound like you're a raving idiot.


Uuh? Yes, he was a complete stranger to HER, however, he was a REPORTER as well - so no, he probably wasn't a rapist =)

I had mixed feelings about this movie, but it seems to me that on this point you are only showing your own resentment twoards a certain actor... to further "prove" how much the movie sucked.

I agree with you that there are many parts that are designed and non-belivable, but a lot of movies are like that and still manages to get the upper hand of you.

I liked this move enough though to reccomend it to a friend, who also sorta-liked-it :)


Please nobody get me wrong here, I am not saying these movie COMPLETELY SUCKED, just that in my opinion it's greatly overrated.

And I'm just saying that as an attractive and highly sought after woman maybe it's not such a great idea to bring a man into your house that you don't know. Reporter or not. I just know that I wouldn't do it and I know a lot of other women that wouldn't do it. *Shrugs*
But that's not the whole reason I didn't like this movie a whole lot AT ALL. It was just...mehhh.

I loved Steve Buscemi's role in Ghost World :D

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * * let's be friends!


Agreed, though for different reasons. Long story short, if Steve's character couldn't tell he was being played, he was a complete idiot, and either way the intrigue is negated.. hardly interesting to see a fool get fooled. And we come to the conclusion at the end that... the actress is a bitch? Wow, powerful.. The film is entirely preposterous, and worse, pointless.


> And we come to the conclusion at the end that... the actress is a bitch?

No, I didn't come to that conclusion at all. You have to remember how nice she treated her public. She didn't lose her temper with their interruptions or act rude and demanding with the waiter. She sucks up to everyone if necessary to allow her fame to get her what she wants. But when she can play head games with someone by acting psycho, she enjoys that too. She's not a psycho or a bitch, just a manipulator, like so many other two-faced phonies out there smiling. That is why I liked the movie. It was psychologically true to life.

But then I'm a bitter old thing, so it suits my life experience.


Not to mention banal,pedestrian,boring and a complete waste of time.


"I'm just saying that as an attractive and highly sought after woman maybe it's not such a great idea to bring a man into your house that you don't know. Reporter or not. I just know that I wouldn't do it..."

I believe the other person hoped you were joking because you were presenting the world view that all men are rapists, if given the opportunity. The comment above seems to show that was, in fact, what was being said.

As a man, I find that very insulting. On the other hand, you insult women, too, by implying that it's only attractive women who need to worry about getting raped. All those ugly women can just be footloose and fancy free apparently.

"My name is Paikea Apirana, and I come from a long line of chiefs stretching all the way back to the Whale Rider."



"I had mixed feelings about this movie, but it seems to me that on this point you are only showing your own resentment twoards a certain actor... to further "prove" how much the movie sucked."

transparent isn't it.


well, blue eyed, you could be Katja. (oops, she's a lot smarter)


I actually agree with blue eyed babe. This movie had two brilliant actors with lots of sexual tension between them. But the story was unrealistic and boring.
The ending was very unsatisfying and I too had the impression of having wasted 80 minutes of my life after watching it. Buscemi was definately the more likeable character, even after spilling the beans at the end. Maybe the story would have benefitted from a change of scenery instead of 90 percent playing in her appartment.

I rate this a 4. If it wasnt for Buscemi and Miller it'd be a 1 !


completely agree about the overrating of the rating.
i remember hearing that the film had a short shooting
schedule-- and you what? it shows. it was a rehearsal
for a film using a first-draft script.

steve buscemi was badly miscast (by himself). sorry, but
(as with deniro), we need that buscemi rage or we havent
seen a buscemi film. making him sensitive and sweet
never worked for Peter Lorre and wont work for Lorre's
doppelganger either.

in the ending,
the movie tries to have it both ways: somehow, buscemi is
sincere and forthright enough that he bares his two worst
sins (which he can get fired for and imprisoned), on tape
no less, yet when he leaves the apartment he gets on the
phone without a second's hesitation to betray her regarding
the cancer story? that was dishonest filmmaking in order
to achieve a cute trick ending. glad i paid no money to
see this trash.


Yes, Steve Buscemi's character was quite a problematic bastard. What's wrong with that? And I think he plays him very well (even if admittedly Sienna Miller blows him out of the picture).
However the mind game going on was very fascinating to watch. It's a good movie.

"That's the problem with goals. They end up being the thing you talk about, not the thing you do."


he thought he got the tape where he incriminated himself. anyway, I don't think you can achieve much even with this tape in terms of justice. doesn't sound like manslaughter to me, even if does to some, the tape isn't hard proof. who would care to have that pitiful old rascal sent behind bars? such a danger to society


Why do you think that because he betrayed her the moment he steped out of the apartment the movie is bad, and that the characther is not well writen. I think people like that exist for sure. He just said his sins because he "knew" he will get the tape in the end. He cared more for him self then for her... I think its believable.


I think he appealed to her because he seemed so disinterested in her. She has a need to be adored, and she was challenged by his lack of interest. That's why she invited him up ... To prove to her own narcissistic soul that she could have (and ultimately reject) anyone she chooses.



I agree that a 7.5 is way high for this film. I got tired of the constant reversals in their behavior toward one another. The highs and lows between them should have been better planned and more nuanced for better effect. As it was, I was embarrassed for the actors (I really enjoy Buscemi in most of his films). They are obviously able to play the roles as asked, but the story line was not up to their skills.
How many times was he going to leave or be kicked out? 15, 20?
Sorry, just not believable and not fun to watch.


I expected ALOT more from this one...


I think the reason she invited him is because of the similarities with her father. She never met him but she knew he was an *beep* and didn't like him. Might have been a transferencial process from her dad to Peders, trying to hurt him back. Might be possible since Freud is actually mentioned in the movie.


i think the film would have been more engaging and interesting if the journalist wasn't such a fool and an obvious *beep*


How would it have been more "interesting" if Pierre was a nicer guy?

He was not a completely bad guy, in any event. His reasons for not wanting to do the interview were entirely plausible. His being rude to her initially at here and there later was attributable in large part to her being late for the interview, showing she was more wrapped up in her celebrity persona and the perceived perogatives thereof, which he rejected.

One of his uglier moments was getting on the cell right after leaving her apartment and calling his agent, but I thought that was kind of like a spell being broken, where he remembered what he was there for. Journalism is a not always nice and clean business. Yes he was not being a nice guy there, but he wasn't being a completely evil person, either.

Both were morally complicated, as well as complicated in other ways. I think it added to the complexity and my personal interest in the film.


I agree with the OP. The film was not a complete stinker but it failed for me on two points. Sienna Miller was beautiful in this film but I felt her acting was terrible. The second point and most important is that both characters are completely unlikeable. I didn't care about either of them. I was amused with the cat-and-mouse game but was not emotionally invested. As a result, I was not affected by the ending. The film was ok, I'd give it a 6/10 and I'd definitely watch it again because Sienna Miller is strikingly beautiful.


Wow, extremely overrated.

i gave it a 7/10 myself (closer to a 6 than a 8 though). it was not boring at all and i could watch this film again at the end of the day. so it's current 6.9/10 i would say it NOT 'extremely overrated' as a mid 6's for a average rating seems about right for me.

also, it's pretty good especially considering most of the film is in the same room. i thought Buscemi and Miller where solid which if you don't care for either then odds are you won't like this film since it pretty much hinges on there interaction together etc.

My Vote History ...


This movie failed imo because I never cared for any of them and therefor the ending lost it's meaning. I felt no compassion toward any of em and I couldn't care less if he went to jail for what he said or if she died overdosing on coke.


i agree.

I don't see how its overrated, its not like the movie was nominated for Best Picture or something. The movie barely played in theatres.


in response to my initial post in this topic over 7 years ago now...

i just finished re-watching it (on Jan 16th 2017), which i think is my 2nd viewing, and i feel the movie is better for me now then it was back when i first viewed it. it's low budget but my interest in it holds pretty steady throughout it and it's definitely Sienna Millers best performance from what i have seen and like i said before in my initial post it's basically carried by Buscemi/Miller and their interaction together.

6-6.5/10 ; which would make it within my Top 250 movies or so.

p.s. my initial rating of a 7/10 was back when i was using my old rating system as i changed to my new rating system Sep 29th 2014 which considers a 6/10 as a Thumbs Up (which used to be Thumbs Down back before that date) where as before Sep 29th 2014 only 7's and higher were Thumbs Up status. but now any movie i score a 7 or higher is what i consider amongst my favorite movies. currently there is only 201 movies managed to score a 7 or higher out of the 2,025+ total movies i have seen. so given this info you can see Interview (2007) is amongst the best of the rest for me as it's not quite a favorite but it's just outside of it.

My Top 100ish Movies = My Favorites =
