Ono Bashing Made Easy?

The individual who posted the ugly comment, will never know the 'real" beauty Ms. Ono share with the one she loved, and loved her dearly in return. It still amazes me that there are un-adventurous simpletons relying on such cheap shots to continue the lack of truly understanding the misunderstood triumphs in the arts such as Ms. Ono as achieved.


I have nothing against Yoko Ono except for the face that she got John Lennon. Yoko was an intelligent woman who loved a man and married him. Sure, she wasn't pretty, but everybody has other qualities. Yoko Ono had unique talent, maybe wasn't as well known or liked as John, but still talented.


I always liked Yoko. She's imaginative, creative, an artist with style. And she knows how to love.


>>I always liked Yoko. She's imaginative, creative, an artist with style. And she knows how to love. <<

How does the Kool-Aid taste?

Funny how the Ono supporters seem to be every bit the paper-thin, pseudointellectual phoney that she is.

There's no other way to describe people that think writing the word "Yes" on a cue card, or making ridiculous screaming noises in the background of a music track as "creative" or "intelligent".

And let's just ignore how she fought to keep Lennon's kids from receiving so much as a dime from their father's estate, and then turned around and sued the record company for $10 million in royalties she decided were owed to her.
She's just a hitchhiker on the road to fortune that was lucky enough to get picked up, good thing for her too, because if she wasn't able to ride the coat tails of John's success there's no doubt she'd have never made it on her own merits.

I won't, however, disagree that she "certainly knows how to love". Adversely, the object of that love is her own ego.


The worst decision John ever made was going back to that POS.

"Instant Karma's gonna get you"


You ought to be ashamed of yourself, using a name like "Day Tripper" (named after John's song) and then bashing his wife.

It's not about what any of YOU thought was "best for John" -- it's all about what John HIMSELF "knew" was best for him. Who the hell are you to decide for him, or to think you know his needs better than he does?

Anyone who can't accept Yoko in John's life has no business thinking they're a fan, or that they know anything about the man. Go back to some of my earlier quotes, spoken from Lennon himself. He'll put you all right in your place and tell you to "F off".


>>You ought to be ashamed of yourself, using a name like "Day Tripper" (named after John's song) and then bashing his wife.

Why, because he's not allowed to have a negative opinion about an utterly loathsome human being because YOU don't agree?

What a load of passive-aggressive *beep*


"Utterly loathsome" is a bit hyperbolic. At any rate, she is "utterly loathsome" to you, not to John Lennon. If you respect John Lennon as an artist then you respect him as a person who loved Yoko Ono, as that relationship was a huge part of his creative accession.


I'll just say I love Yoko Ono. She's a beautiful person.




She's amazing. I think women understand her more than men. Just her wikipedia page alone is an outstanding read.

He needed a person like her that wouldn't bore him. She is truly beautiful and special and abnormal. Just like he was. People who don't understand their love will one day, when they experience it. Like I said, he needed her. She didn't "need" him. She was already wealthy and successful. Still, she needed him for who he was outside of his fame. I honestly believe these two would have fallen in love even if they had been nobodies. Yoko is a woman's woman, and amazingly impressive as a person.

That she never remarried says a lot about their love. Unless you have experienced that kind of being in love, you can't have an accurate perspective.


spinflux, you have not a clue of who you speak. That's as far as I go. You'll learn the truth one day, perhaps.

"Instant Karma's gonna get you"


Perhaps. Most likely, in fact.

Definitely before you will, I can tell.


Hot poop! I can hardly believe the level of vitriolic hate on this message board. Particularly coming from some lame tools (lambiepie-2, vicious wolf in lamb's disguise, DayTripper66, you poser POS) who 'use' references to Lennon and the Beatles to identify themselves. Talk about not getting it!

Their lack of thoughtful commentary is first signaled by abusive comments about Yoko's appearance. Really? Judging someone on their looks is so-o-o infantile. No, wait, I take that back. Infants don't care how someone looks on the outside, only shallow, foolish 'adults' do.

Those who where there since the beginning recognize that, following the Beatles' disbanding, Lennon got some of his best ideas from Ono. She first turned him on to the concepts of imagining no heaven, no possessions, War Is Over, colouring everything white (yes, even the White Album), etc.

When the only tool you've got is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. Likewise, haters just GOTTA HATE. Too bad they feel the need to spread it around like so much foul manure from which nothing good grows. I pity you.

Now more than ever, "What the world needs now is love, sweet love"
^ Laugh if you want (just proves your ignorance), but it's true.
