MovieChat Forums > Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close (2012) Discussion > Is this the worst movie to ever be nomin...

Is this the worst movie to ever be nominated for best picture???

Is this the worst movie to ever get a bp nomination? The kid was completely unlikeable, the dialogue was poorly written and corny, and the movie boring and overlong. This movie was badly made and just there to try and make people cry. It is a truly awful movie.

Can anyone think of a worse movie to be nominated for bp?


The very worst Best Picture nominee, in my opinion, and it won, was American Beauty. The film gets an 8.4 here on IMDb, but I thought it was horrible!

Nothing against Kevin Spacey or Annette Bening, either.

I intend to live forever.
So far, so good.





The Theory of Everything is worse largely because it is so monotonous.


I'm having trouble thinking of a weaker film to be nominated, at least in the last few decades. "Tree of Life" is the only other that comes to mind.


Either the OP has only watched a dozen movies ever or they are of the "right now is the best or worst" mentality...


Is this the worst movie to ever get a bp nomination?

It's very possible, although I haven't seen them all. This particular movie was one of the most obvious Oscar baits ever produced. And while some of these flicks can be great or at least enjoyable, "ELIC" was boring and schmaltzy.

Do you have any tobacco?


Every year we reaffirm our vows about how much we don't care about the Oscars because the Oscars don't matter because the Oscars only care about Oscar bait - but when did Oscar bait start to become a Thing in the first place?


"Gladiator" is by far the weakest Best Picture choice of the last couple decades or so.

"Braveheart" has real fire in its guts, is longer but feels shorter, has better cinematography, better overall performances, a better music score, and far superior action sequences.

"Gladiator" is so self-important and drab and overly serious. Just doesn't hold a candle to "Braveheart" or "Ben-Hur" or "Spartacus". Still, people fall all over themselves for it, which tells me audiences have no eye for comparison shopping. Just studying the action scenes in "Gladiator", so much more general and basic and messy while "Braveheart" is visceral and detailed.
