MovieChat Forums > Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close (2012) Discussion > Is this the worst movie to ever be nomin...

Is this the worst movie to ever be nominated for best picture???

Is this the worst movie to ever get a bp nomination? The kid was completely unlikeable, the dialogue was poorly written and corny, and the movie boring and overlong. This movie was badly made and just there to try and make people cry. It is a truly awful movie.

Can anyone think of a worse movie to be nominated for bp?


Have you taken a look at the IMDb message board for the Martin Scorsese movie "Hugo" ?

[Kilgore:] "I love the smell of napalm in the morning. The smell, you know, it smells like[sniffing], Victory."


Hugo was a fantastic movie. Hugo was one of the three best films of last year.


Hugo was horrible. One of the most boring pieces of turd I've ever suffered through. Extremely Loud was just bad. The kid was obnoxious and was a terrible actor. I knew it was going to suck, but I just watched it because I'm on a quest to see every Oscar-nominated film of all time in the big categories (Picture, Director, Lead/Supporting Acting).


I too have on my "bucket list" to watch every Oscar-nominated film, plus Golden Globes as well. My guess is that I'm well more than halfway done - probably closer to 2/3.

As far as worst ever best picture nominee (in no particular order):

1. Beasts of the Southern Wild
2. Brooklyn - a nice film, but best picture? - um, no. plenty of other options.
3. The Godfather - part III - so bad, somebody's got some splainin to do
4. Love Story
5. Midnight Cowboy - not a likeable character in the movie, hated the music too


You put down Midnight Cowboy as a bad film and expect anyone to take your reviews seriously ever again?


Titanic was worse. Forest Gump was worse.


I agree, neither of those are good movies, but they have things about them that are good (unlike Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close). Forrest Gump was at least a nice movie, and Titanic was visually spectacular. They were both more entertaining than Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close as well.


Titanic was emotionally spectacular as well. It was well-made in all aspects.


I don't understand the hate for Titanic. The script isn't great but it is still very entertaining and well made.

In the next life you will be my sworn enemy. And I will show you no mercy.


There's definitely a lot more hatred toward this film than most Best Picture nominees. The worst Best Picture nominee I've ever seen, however, is The Crying Game.


Ever see The Greatest Show On Earth? And that one actually won :-(


Yeah, not to mention the excellent cinematography.


Please leave, the fact that you brought up either of those makes me lose faith in anything you have to say about movies


People are allowed to dislike Titanic and Forest Gump. They aren't perfect movies, at least not to everyone's minds.


They're not good movies. We have all the right to bring them up here.


Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, Hugo, Titanic, and Forrest Gump...four perfectly good movies with coherent plots and characterizations, while may not be everyone's cup of tea, are by far NOT the horrible movies they are being painted as here.


The three Sandra Bullock Best Picture nominees - and winner, unfortunately, in "Crash" - make up a unique trifecta of terrible Best Picture nominees.


not in my book, this is this boys first film and i think he was brilliant!


I agree. This boy was amazing!


Brilliant? Amazing? He was terrible. Max Von Sydow elevated this film. The kid was a horrid actor and ruined the film for me.


The kid was completely LIKEABLE, but agree not the best picture nominee.


No, this was one of the best Best Picture nominees. There have been far worse nominees and even worse winners.


6.8 rating.... what's the lowest rating for a best picture nominee ???


The tree of life, another nominee, also rated 6.8.

A member of IMDb since 1999


There are quite a few that are lower. I think the lowest is Doctor Doolittle (1967) at 6.1. There are a several at or below 6.8: Blossoms in the Dust (1941), The Robe (1953), Cleopatra (1963), Naughty Marietta (1935) for example. It is pretty rare, though, and two this low in one year (The Tree of Life) demonstrates the combination of a really stale year and opening the field to so many nominees.

This movie has a great cast and great acting, but had many other faults that should have ruled it out as a best picture nominee. The editing was awful; they could have cut 20 minutes from the film and had a better film. The plot, while interesting to watch, was completely implausible, especially the massive, glaring plot hole near the end.


Plot hole near the end? I can be quite obtuse at times so may well have missed this one. Could you point it out more explicitly?

Oh...if you are referring to the message in the swing, it clearly had nothing to do with the key. It was apparently an intended reward for a quest Oskar's dad was setting up for him but never got a chance to send him off on.


Well said about the editing, they could have cut 30 minutes out and had a much better film.

In modern times, this is the worst film ever to be nominated for BP. There should be an investigation into how this flawed film got nominated.

"For dark is the suede that mows like a harvest"


This movie is excellent. Very moving. The kid is likeable, he is troubled of course, he lost his dad/best friend.


I actually liked it! Beasts of the southern wild on the other hand....MY GOSH, awful, it should have been Perks of being a wallflower instead...
