Suicide scenes in movies...

Any recommendations on movies with scenes that graphically depicts suicide? Besides this, all I can think of is the scene of Rules of Attraction...


"This might seem a little unorthodox, but, as an example, becoming physically strong, turning your sadness into anger, and beating some prick up will actually make you feel at least a little better. Strange as this might sound, this is just an idea..."

And a terrible, terrible, terrible one at that. What's the median age on this board? 14? 14 1/2 maybe? Gotta get those extra 6 months in there.

If you want to kill yourself, go ahead and do it. Chances are you probably can't go through with it in the end. Is it the smart choice? Probably not. But does it make you a coward? Definitely not. That's a cop out for people who can't understand things. In all honesty, I hope you don't, and I'm not trying to come off as an ass with this post. But if you make the decision to go ahead with it, more power to you.


I understand what you are trying to tell me. At this moment, I no longer feel that suicidal. Even though life seems to be treating me no kinder and things are just getting harsher and harsher. Bad things just keep on coming. I am trying hard not to feel bad but sometimes its just overwhelming. I am trying to cope but I am all alone. I am not someone who is born to be emotionally and psychologically independent but through the years I got used to it.

But then, that don't mean I could live my life this way. You probably have been through a lot yourself. I am an adult btw, and coping with it all these years ain't easy. I used to beat up people a lot and getting myself beaten up too. Well, damn right about beating people up cause the satisfaction is just! Whatever. Thanks for your reply though, really appreciate it.



The first 5 minutes of "Ginger Snaps."

The chicks do a "suicide" project in school and show themselves being killed in different ways.



I was going to say 2:37. Also, in Thirteen, Tracy (the main character) does not kill herself, but there are very graphic scenes of her cutting herself. Both are very good films.


Speaking as someone who has worked in the medical field, the vast majority of suicide scenes in movies, including this one, are extremely romanticized. There is nothing wrong with this in a movie but real life isn't nearly as beautiful. The blood, vomit, and other bodily fluids that I won't mention on this message board are not shown.

Also, suicide is portrayed as a very easy thing to do, when in real life, the human body can go through a lot before finally dieing. Suicides that don't work or go wrong are hardly ever shown.

Just my two cents.


I think most people realize that. I've attempted suicide more than once before, and I can definately say that I know just how messy it can be. Vomit consisting entirely of bile and blood, anyone? I still enjoy the romantacized suicide scenes in movies, though.

The hammer is my penis.


I have also attempted suicide on more than one occasion... and I tried different ways... and I can honestly say it's not nearly as easy as it looks. Particularly slitting one's wrists... cutting your wrists is one thing, but actually cutting through a vein so you bleed out is a whole other story.

"I knew you'd pick Medea over the well-being of the world... I would have." --> Finger


hm all i can think of off the top of my head are the chumscrubber and hard candy.



acutally in hard candy, he doesn't actually commit suicide cause the rope is too long he just falls on the ground and is badly hurt and forced to live through the humiliation.


even if he had died though, it really wouldn't have been suicide. it wasn't his choice. but this movie came to mind and i think people who liked wristcutters would enjoy it.



The Royal Tenenbaums, sort of....



such a good video


"The Assassination of Jesse James," Charlie Ford (Sam Rockwell) shoots himself in the did Heath Ledger's character in "Monster's Ball."


Uh, first of all, suicide is always justified, the right to live includes the right to die.
Second, you are an idiot if you think calling someone a coward will make them not suicide, because what will they care when they are dead?

That said, all of the below are taken from memory and I don't promise they are completely correct.


In Gattaca (probably the best movie ever) Jude Law incinerates himself
IDK if it counts as a "suicide scene", though, because it's not like violent or anything, I can't remember if you actually see him in the flames or not, it was done very artistically

In the Virgin Suicides, all the main girls kill themselves. But aside from this, and the pool scene at the end, this movie has almost nothing to offer. I found it a very frustrating movie, there was no connection to the characters, I found myself asking "what was the point of any of this?" Don't expect to understand why they did it, it wasn't that coherent.

In The Royal Tenenbaums, Luke Wilson shaves his head and slits his wrists in the bathroom. I really enjoyed this movie, it was sort of odd humour, though. It was funny for a lot of the same reasons that Napoleon Dynamite was funny, but with a lot more more eccentric moments, and a lot less moments that are painful to watch. The suicide scene was very well done IMO.

In Constantine, Rachel Weisz is shown jumping off a tall hospital several times. Also, Keanu Reeves kills himself with electrocution so he can go to hell to search for one of the characters Rachel plays (he comes back). Also, Rachel gets drowned, but I'm not sure if it qualifies as suicide, she starts it willingly, but then fights it while Keanu holds her under(I can't remember if she actually knew she was going to have to die). At the end of the movie, Keanu slits his wrists and bleeds out, because he knows that Satan will personally come up from hell to bring him down, and he needs to have a chat with Satan to save Rachel, (he ends up living, again due to supernatural means).

In Saturday Night Fever, a kid jumps off a bridge, but they aren't sure if it's suicide or an accident, because they played dangerously on the bridge several times, but the kid was depressed b/c his girlfriend was pregnant and he was Catholic, and nobody would talk to him about it.

In Man on Fire, Denzel Washington trades his life for the life of Dakota Fanning, they don't show him dying, and he doesn't actually kill himself, but I figure it's like "suicide by cops" only this is "suicide by kidnapping cartel". Also, he tries to kill himself earlier in the movie, he gets sauced on Jack, maybe reads the Bible then tries to shoot himself in the head, but the gun doesn't fire, he takes it out and looks at the bullet, it has a dent in it where the firing pin hit. Later in the movie, he gives the bullet and gun to Dakota's father, and sort of communicates that he should kill himself, though doesn't actually say it. As Denzel walks off, you hear the gun go off, so apparently he suicided successfully with the gun and bullet that didn't work for Denzel.

In Leon, the Professional (another amazing movie), Jean Reno gets shot by Gary Oldman, Gary walks up to him, and Jean shows him the "ring trick" which is where he pulls the pin from a grenade, he has like ten of them lined up on his chest, and pulls them all at once, there is a huge explosion. Also, Natalie Portman tries to kill herself by playing Russian Roulette, she fills every other bullet in a revolver, spins it, and holds it to her head, crying, and telling Jean Reno that he saved her life before, but now he doesn't want her, so if he doesn't care (or maybe love her, I don't remember), then he won't stop her, but if he does, then he will stop her. He tells her not to do it because he heard the bullet in the chamber. Right as she pulls the trigger, he leaps up and slaps the gun back, the bullet hits a lamp instead, they both hug. That scene was actually very powerful.

In Domino, I think the bus driver from Afghanistan blows himself and all the bad guys up. I don't remember exactly how it went down, but I think he sacrificed himself to save Keira Knightley and the others on their team after he took the money and sent it to his home village where they're all super poor. The dude was pretty badass, I remember he wired the bomb to a remote control and taped it to his hand, and everyone is all being cool, leading up to it, and he's just standing there, sweat pouring off his face, and you realize later that he was the only one being serious about it, he knew everything was going to hit the fan. He also blew up a bunch of other stuff in this movie. You know, now that I think about it, this movie was actually pretty decent.

In Fight Club, Edward Norton shoots himself through the mouth, but he survives. I don't want to say any more than that, because this is one movie that shouldn't be spoiled. If you haven't seen Fight Club, stop what you are doing and go rent it now.

In Girl Interrupted, Britney Murphy hangs herself. Winona Ryder and Angelina Jolie break out of a sort of asylum, and go meet her, she had been discharged, Angelina Jolie had this thing where she had to mess with everyone, so she starts messing with Britney Murphy, saying things like that Britney was being sexually abused by her father, and that she enjoyed it. Britney, visibly shaken tells them to lock the door in the morning, then walks upstairs like she can barely stand. She puts on some like 50's record, and it's still playing blaringly loud in the morning, Angelina doesn't care, but Wynona is worried and goes up to check on her, finds the record starting over, then goes into the bathroom and sees Britney hanging in the shower. This actually was a very good move as well, and Britney Murphy did such an excellent job, that scene stood out because of how well she played it. I can't even choose a favourite character, they were all very good.

In Oldboy, a dude shoots himself in the head in an elevator after finally fulfilling the ambitions he has had since a child. I won't say any more than that, because this is another movie, like Fight Club, where a spoiler would really ruin the movie. I very strongly recommend this movie too, especially if you liked Fight Club.

In White Oleander, Renee Zellweger takes sleeping pills (prob alcohol also). She is Alison Lohman's foster mother, and Alison had only been with them for a short period of time. Noah Wyle is her husband, and goes off to other cities and cheats on her (or she thinks he does, I don't remember if it was ever substantiated), I think he finally told her he wanted a divorce, and maybe even left for good. So Renee is in her room, and Alison comes in, Renee looks really bad, so Alison lays on the bed with her, and they sort of hug and she falls asleep. When Alison wakes up, she senses something is wrong, walks around to the other side, and sees the bottle of pills on the floor. She is pretty shaken up by it. This was a very good movie as well, it was very emotional.

In the Ring, Brian Cox electrocutes himself in a bathtub when he finds that his evil daughter is still haunting things. I can't remember exactly why, it might have been fear, like he decided to kill himself before she could get to him, or it might have been depression, because his wife killed the daughter. This is another great movie, very dark.


Man.. You have good memory.


In Oldboy, a dude shoots himself in the head in an elevator after finally fulfilling the ambitions he has had since a child. I won't say any more than that, because this is another movie, like Fight Club, where a spoiler would really ruin the movie. I very strongly recommend this movie too, especially if you liked Fight Club.

Totally agree that both of these movies are "must see"! Just make sure it's the original Korean version of Oldboy!!

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


In Bruges.

One of the characters jumps off a tower and... well.. yeesh.


it's a comedy, but in Little Nicky, Adam Sandler kills himself many times. his father is Satan and adam sandler is sent to earth to try and stop his evil brother from taking over. so whenever adam wants to talk to his father, he has to kill himself to go back to h*ll.

it's a silly movie, but he kills himself many times.

