Suicide scenes in movies...

Any recommendations on movies with scenes that graphically depicts suicide? Besides this, all I can think of is the scene of Rules of Attraction...


'Harold and Maude'!

I wish I was a headlight on a northbound train. I'd shine my light through the cool Colorado rain.


Thanks! Anyone else with other suggestions?


Fantastic movie, really realistic depiction of teenage suicide.
Very un-Hollywood

My Movie Ratings:


Why in the world would you search for movies with graphic suicides?

Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway


Just find it intriguing and rather captivating, so to speak. Well, any suggestions?


I really don't think that you should be looking for movies with suicide scenes in them. Or is it that your trying to find a way to do it yourself and want some ideas???





Depends on the reason.








Dragonball Evolution

the suicide of many peoples careers


Hahaha, fantastic. Kudos to you.


If you were to really think about and consider it, you'd realize that killing yourself requires alot of bravery and confidence and conviction. Most don't just do it at the drop of a hat. You have to be absolutly sure of all your beliefs and of your final decision.

"Do you have the one with that guy who was in that movie that was out last year?"



Why not? I just find it intriguing. Its ok if you don't know any.


You can try The Virgin Suicides.

Its a pretty good movie...good book too.



What do you ordinary people know about this feeling anyway? Don't bother if you ain't gonna give me any suggestions.



You actually pull through? Well, guess I ain't sure about myself. Life has gone too far when it comes to pushing me to an edge, to a point where the only way out is dead. But I am not sure if I am looking for such scenes so I could learn some methods, or am I just finding a trigger or maybe a way to cope? Na.....





Its just too bad, most people who can relate or understand me are faraway and the people I know just wouldn't care, or even if they do care there is nothing they can possibly do for me even if they try to. Basically, I have been dealing with this all my life. Its like I am born with it, what else do I do but to face this *beep* alone?




Can i ask how old you are????
There is nothing wrong with feeling alone we all are in the end.
I have tried a few times myself but as you can tell i pulled thru. Life will get better it always does. Even if people who you relate to are far away it doesn't mean that you don't have people to talk with. The internet can be a great place for making friends. So what if your not in the same city or country there are people out there that can help or just listen.


Well, I am 24. And I basically have been suicidal most of my life. I don't know why must I hang on anymore cause I believe I tried, but hell it sure doesn't change a thing. Anyways, I got your pm so I will write you an email soon and maybe we can talk. Thanks for your concern.


Man, in every thread about suicide everywhere there has to be some annoying people with the "life will get better" bullcrap.


Man, in every thread about suicide everywhere there has to be some annoying people with the "life will get better" bullcrap.

STFU!! There are literally MILLIONS of sick, dying and disabled people who would give anything for these poor little spoiled brat's "miserable" lives!! Suck it up FFS!! Open your eyes (literally) to the wonder that is all around us. Get a freaking ice-cream cone and enjoy the MOMENT!!

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!



You're not alone... trust me.

I've been dealing with this *beep* my whole life too... or at least for as long as I can remember anyways... it's kinda funny cuz I think the same way you do... that nobody could possibly understand me or relate to how I feel... that I'm utterly alone in the world... but then I read what you wrote and you seem to see things exactly the way I do... so you see, you're not really alone... there are others out there who understand how you feel.

It doesn't seem fair though does it? It's like, if just one person could see you for who you really are and not turn away, it could change everything... but how often does that happen? And even if such a person did exist, would you have the courage to open yourself up and let them see the darkness inside? I know I don't. I build up walls to protect myself... to hold the darkness in... to keep others from seeing it. Because when they do they treat it like some contagious infection... like if they get too close they might catch it somehow. No one wants to hang around the downer... so what else can you do but put on a smile and pretend that everything is a-okay? It's like life is one big play and you're the star performer... it's exhausting.

Anyways... I just wanted you to know you're not alone.

"I knew you'd pick Medea over the well-being of the world... I would have." --> Finger


Fascination not fetish.
Big difference.

I can understand the fascination exactly.
Just because the fascination is something that has nothing to do with rainbows and flowers doesn't make it a bad thing.

If you're not in that mental state of mind I can understand why you would not understand.

However, it doesn't make the other person a bad person just because they do not think the same exact way that you do.



why do you *beep* care


There's nothing wrong with having a fascination of the macabre. Don't hate, or admonish.


Jesus... Shut up!!!


The Royal Tenenbaums kind of has a scene like that in it. I don't honestly know, not many movies have overly graphic suicides in them. Which is kind of weird really, graphically showing people getting murdered come a dime a dozen, but suicides on the other hand not so much. Kind of odd when you think about it.


That's because suicide makes people more uncomfortable than murder does.

The hammer is my penis.


there is a movie called The is a documentary. real suicides are caught on film and also attempts.




girl, interrupted


why do you even bother to answer this people? You have the right to likeanything you like, is it suicide scenes in movies, or weird plots, or crazy nonsence, they have nothing to do with it! I love suicide stories, I believe suicide is the ultimate way to controling your own life, no one asked us if and when we wanted to be born, so I reserve the right to decide how and when my death should occur, note that I am not saying you shoulld do it, I'm just explaining my point of view.
Anyway, about movies, there are several asian very good movies:

Suicide manual
yeogo goedam (the second has a suicide, the others are just good to watch)
shinobi (suicide by love)

There are probably more, I can't remember at this moment.


Can't believe nobody mentioned Suicide Club!
Highly recommended.

Why can't a heterosexual guy
Tell a heterosexual guy
That he thinks his booty is fly?

