Ireland - the height of BS

Bourdain has to BS people A LOT, and it's understandable. People are hosting him and they're sensitive about their culture, and he sits there eating crap food and has to call it good.

But the "Ireland" episode must have been the worst. Bourdain totally plays it up as if he is excited about and was DYING for Irish food! hilarious. Everything that is bad he spins and makes it as if the bad thing is a good thing, haha. The worst was when he went to see that chef that was supposedly trying to do "nontraditional" food, and he was served the "Oriental appetizer plate" and the steak with "kumchee" (lol). It looked SO bad. Irish food is plain and bland as hell. And Tony has been to Vietnam a million times, had been to Japan, China, etc... and you expect him to like the Oriental Appetizer Plate that has some kind of Irish tomato stew passing off as a dumpling and some "sushi" rolls?
