Astonishing acting

Herthum and ERW were so convincing as robots with emotion. I can't get over how unbelievable their acting chops are.

It's so difficult to pull off the stillness required of a robot. Hope they win acting awards for this.


I agree, but they certainly were using cgi to help with the stillness


Really? how would you know. Genuinely curious.


It really makes the terrible acting by the young British guy and the female boss stand out more, doesn't it?


That British guy was a horrific actor. Took my right out of it.


I agree. The scene with Anthony Hopkins talking with Michael Wincotts Old Bill was so good that it gave me chills. Unfortunately the British guy's really letting things down. He just seems to be saying lines.


haha, I enjoyed the episode and look forward to the show (I loved the old movie when I was a little kid) -- but the range of acting ability from the annoying young Brit up thru Anthony Hopkins is quite a spread.


<< The scene with Anthony Hopkins talking with Michael Wincotts Old Bill was so good that it gave me chills. >>

I'm on the finale now...that that little scene remains the most effective for me. (It was also creepy that the robot almost looked like a variation on Ed Harris, which got me curious as to his character.) (This was apparently a red herring, though.) (If he did INDEED resemble Ed Harris. He did a bit to me, anyway.)
