MovieChat Forums > Hail, Caesar! (2016) Discussion > what do coen brothers fans think of this...

what do coen brothers fans think of this movie

One of their favorites or one of their least favorites or in the middle?


bottom-middle, unfortunately.

Josh Brolin is really good though

My film blog:


At the bottom for me though not as bad as Ladykillers. Hobie was the only enjoyable character in my opinion.


I dug it, but then I love stories about Old Hollywood, so this was my sort of thing. It wasn't as hysterically funny as the trailers made it out to be, but it kept me entertained throughout. I'd say overall it's somewhere in the middle. I wouldn't rank it up with Fargo, O Brother Where Art Thou or The Big Lebowski, but it was still a solid film.

I will agree that Hobie stole the show though.


One of the worst Coen Bros. efforts.


Actually the worst Coen Brothers effort.


I agree with Banky-4, probably in the middle, if you don't walk in with too much expectations I think you're going to like it.


I liked it a lot. Not my favorite Coen movie, but definitely not at the bottom. I can understand why other people don't like it, I walked into the theater knowing what to expect and it definitely delivered.


I'm a big Coen Brothers fan, I consider half of their cinematic output among my all-time favorite films. But this one was a dud, ranking at the low end to their other films. I rated it 6/10. Not quite the disappointment Intolerable Cruelty was. Watchable, but not memorable.

all work and no play make jack a dull boy.


Agree. It's competent enough but also forgettable.


I really liked it. It was amusing and entertaining and clever. What more do you want?


I would consider it one of their lesser mid-range efforts. It had a decent beginning, but meandered a lot in the middle in spite of being amusing at times. Though it picked up toward the end, it still didn't add up to much for me or truly deliver. It had great atmosphere and cinematography, with some great performances, but was generally forgettable otherwise.

Trailer For My Second Feature


I didn't think it was bad. It keeps their quirky sense of humor intact and the cast is all very good. It has no plot though and runs a bit long.

And if you guys are interested in a review-

Trying to go for an informative, and hopefully something people think is funny, youtube channel so hope you guys like. Thanks.


Me personally I would put it in my top 5, I think its a far deeper film than people give credit and yes the pace is glacier like at times but I feel like I watch a few more times I feel like it was made deliberately. Not the best Coens has done but its up there the ending was profound personally and honestly I don't understand the 7.2 rating.


Me personally I would put it in my top 5




Probably my second least favorite after The Man Who Wasn't There.

One dog goes one way the other goes the other way and this guy's sayin "Whadda ya want from me?"
