MovieChat Forums > Mulberry St (2007) Discussion > Don't Believe The Positive Reviews

Don't Believe The Positive Reviews

I watched this movie after reading all the great reviews on this site. People were even comparing it to 28 Days Later, a great, well made movie. That comparison is a complete joke and extremely misleading. In reality, this is just boring and at times painful to watch. I understand that it had a very low budget, but the glowing reviews people gave it on here are almost funny if you've actually seen the movie (almost because you wasted 90 minutes watching it haha). It takes about half the movie to develop the extremely flat characters, who are killed off randomly with no emotional reaction from those close to them. I guess I should have known what to expect when I saw that it had rat people...


20 mts into the film i couldn't stand. I turned it off.


I agree, this movie was complete rubbish - poorly crafted, poorly acted, poorly written, poorly narrated, plus, the lighting and the constant use of moronic background drove me nuts. In short: Anabsolute insult. And I actually watched it BECAUSE of the Rat People


I really liked this movie. Probably my favorite from the 8 Films to Die For series. But then again I can judge a movie based on it's budget. To compare this to something made for millions of dollars is just silly. Yes, it had a slow burn, but once hell broke loose it was like gangbusters. What the hell is wrong with rat zombies? Okay, kind of goofy, but I still liked it.


Completely agree that this is nothing like the 28 series. The director of Mulberry St said these rat people are zombies. 28 are NOT zombie films. No matter how many people parrot that misconception. They are infected and can die from other than a head shot. But, not talking about those movies, other than all the tards comparing them to this.

I didn't hate Mulberry St. Mainly because I am a fan of the low budget B movie. And rat people zombies.....
Come on, that was enough for me to give it 4 stars without seeing it. Then of course it only earned one extra just for the rat people themselves.

It kind of went no where the entire movie very, v e r y slowly. Guess when you have zero budget there is no time for any back story to let us know how or why all of this is happening. Can only assume that it was radioactive waste that turned the rats evil and to start attacking people. Or they were also pissed that the waste they got caught up in didn't make them grow and learn Kung Fu like one of their earlier brethren did. Why was the bartender treated like a whore by every one but the ex boxer? Her son was in the movie as yet another plot hole. Why? They could have used his paycheck to speed things up and maybe then even spring for a little action? Main guy is an Ex boxer. Disgruntled and not working anymore. It seemed the only reason to have that tid bit in the story was to try and make him putting on some work gloves to whip up on some zombie rat people, in effort to not make it look like such a bad idea. He also made it clear that he was not interested in her old ass, because he was too old for her? however, after saving her at the bar, that became a good time to almost hook up? Why? All it was missing was the old porn music, brown chicken brown cow. luckily they were interrupted by the hordes of rat looking zombie character people. The boxers daughter coming home from a hospital after being hurt in combat, we are lead to believe. Yet she goes the whole movie without doing anything real helpful and then gets killed, by team yellow at the end for no real reason? But they let the annoying kid go, or at least didn't kill him but hauled him off. Then there are all the red shirts that would show up just in time to die at convenient times to let the main characters escape so they could die later, at "better" times.

Such a sad little slow movie. But, watching EVERYTHING, I don't like to leave any unwatched if I can help it.

If you are more a main stream movie watcher and unsure about dollar special B movies, stay away from this for sure. You'll just be back on the boards bitching about what a waste of time this one is.
