MovieChat Forums > It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (2005) Discussion > Can you name your 3 biggest laughs ever ...

Can you name your 3 biggest laughs ever when watching the show?

I'm sure people have already asked questions like that, but I am a recent fan of the show (I started to watch it last november and now I'm already on season 12)) and there are moments that are still making me laugh everytime I think about them!

Mine are:

3) Charlie singing\creating "Nightman\Dayman" song. (Season 3 Episode 9)

2) The Gang's Revenge "Freedom Dance" (The High School Reunion, Part 2)

1) And the winner is: When Frank gets paranoid about being accused of paedophilia and runs on stage with a painted face looking like the world's biggest paedophile! I thought I won't survive that! ("Frank Reynolds' Little Beauties")

AND Honorable mention: The scene where Charlie keeps asking fat Mac to "give him a chip" making him mad as hell: "THE WORLD DOES NOT PROVIDE YOU CHIPS JUST BECAUSE YOU WANT CHIPS!!!"

What about you?

P.s. English is not my first language so sorry for accidental mistakes.


Freedom Dance and Mac screaming off key.

Birds of War and Cricket as the terrorist wrestler.

Charlie beats up the mall Santa.


Mine are:

1) When Charlie says “I’m a full..on..rapist” because he doesn’t know how to say Philanthropist.
2) Frank breaks open the pipe on the cruise ship to get drunk off the fuel.
3) When Cricket makes out with Belle and she turns out to be his Dad’s dog.


Those are some good moments, the Charlie and Mac inside the van eating chips and talking on the walkie is a good scene. That whole episode is funny. Frank keeping a whip handy and a supposedly "cursed" vase xD. Also the bit about opening a leather shop in Arizona!

It took some memory searching, because I have seen this show many times as I have the DVDs.

I laughed the hardest at these scenes:

+When Dennis is talking to Mac about "The Implication" of taking women out on their new houseboat and that they would never say no to sex due to implied danger.

+When Charlie and Dennis are at the police station getting a sketch artist to draw the guy who shushed them and when the cop questions the lack of crime commited in the report, Charlie tells the cop that the shusher raped Dennis.

+Dee and Mac are at the clothing store to catch the shusher to shush him back and talk to the lady impersonating him online, really the whole exchange at this store is funny from beginning to end of scene.

+When Dennis is on the cruise ship and he tries to seduce that young woman, and it comes off as insidious because he is a creep and also theres a thunderstorm occuring xD

I know there is more, many more. But I have this love of episodes where even if I dont belly laugh I still laugh enough and am entertained enough that I'll rewatch them.

I would have to say that my favorite batch of episodes is the entirety of disc one for season 5.

To narrow it down further, the episode that consistently delivered entire run time was "The World Series Defense" it had so much adventure going for it and it was funny. That was my all time favorite episode until I watched "The Anti-Social Network" which is about the shusher, and is another episode that delviers consistant laughs throughout.

But even choosing these favorites, theres just too many other good ones to name them all. It'd be easier to just recommend people watch the show in general.


1. "Suicide is Badass" - Frank
2. Troll Toll Song
3. "Full on Rapist" Charlie
