MovieChat Forums > Futurama: Bender's Big Score (2007) Discussion > Why is this so far from the top notch qu...

Why is this so far from the top notch quality of previous Futurama?

I have been watching Futurama reruns lately on the Comedy channel, and it reminds of how awesome Futurama was. I just watched "Bender's Big Score" and I am wondering what was missing? There are lines of dialogue that are simply stupid, the episode lacks coninuity (I know it involves time travel, but that does not totally excuse the jumbled mess that I just watched.) It felt to me like a lot of shows when the best writer or writers leave, and the show tries to make up for it by putting in more sex/violence/toilet humor. Is that what happened?

I thought they really rubbed the "Fox Executives killed and ground into pink powder" thing into the ground. I can understand their sentiment, and how they thought that would appeal to the fans who were angry about the original show's cancellation, but I thought it went too far and wasted time that the original show would have used for stuff that was actually clever or funny.

It seems like it just went right into the toilet, from Hermes' head getting chopped off, to the Professor's "glorious Satan" line, to Fry's dog getting burnt to a crisp? I dunno, it just seemed like an all around inferior product.
I was really looking forward to "Bender's Game" which premieres tonight, but frankly, it seems more likely that it will be of the caliber of "Bender's Big Score" than the utterly fantastic show Futurama used to be. I hope I'm wrong.

Does anyone know what had changed? I am expecting the answer "different writers."


OP missed the endless singing...

And I'm not talking about cool singing like cigars are evil. I'm talking about blatant time fillers throughout the whole movie. One substandard movie tbh. Looking forward to watch the rest.

The stupid plot based completely into spam, so we can all relate to a current day problem . I guess this was an attempt to make "everybody" (and by everybody I mean people who hadn't watched futurama before) enjoy the movie.

Oh and don't get me started with the stupid side story with the narwhal... simply stupid and out of place.

Waste of time. Gave it a 5/10

Also, it's very annoying that this site doesn't give any separation whatsoever from signatures.


it's light years above the new futurama we have now...


I thought this movie was excellent. I'd give it a solid 7/10. Loads of great jokes and a nicely crafted story. Unfortunately, I did feel it was the last time we saw 'great' futurama. The movies slowly got worse and worse, and Series 6 was mediocre.

Series 7 was a bit better and had a few decent episodes, but also some of the worst episodes.
