MovieChat Forums > World Trade Center (2006) Discussion > Where were you when you found out about...

Where were you when you found out about Bin Laden's shooting?

I was at home and had switched on the news when I heard


I was at my daughter's grave. My daughter who was killed in the terrorist attack. I got a phone call from my mother and she sounded extremely emotional. She told me that Bin Laden had been killed. I dropped to ground and whispered "Thank God."

And they say you don not get any closure from justice. I sure felt some closure when Bin Laden was killed.

- Just another Parrothead...


Was at a job site wairing for the building to open around 430 am when on coast to coast am George Noory said for anyone who had not heard yet, Osama had been killed, but im pretty sure even at that early time in the event George was even questioning the validity of the story. or maybe it was a caller, cant remember at the moment.


I was at home, and laughed my ass off at this blatant propaganda spin :D. Knowing, that Bin Laden died a decade earlier. I mean, only Mericans would believe the BS reports about him being shot :D:D:D.

There is no issue that cannot be resolved with a proper implementation of high explosives.


I was on the bus going home from the movies it was my birthday and I checked my phone to see that my mom had texted me saying they finally killed bin laden, it was a nice birthday present.

Lose the Game!!!!!!!


also at home. Hubby woke me up to watch the news. The next day was so surreal, The SOB was finally dead and gone. Just hard not to think about all the years since the attacks.

Would have loved to be home in Union Square just being with all the other NYers. They don't get it where I live now,

Farewell,and may the blessing of Elves and Men and all Free Folk go with you.



I still remember a couple of news outlets purporting that this was his picture at the time of death

Do you think they're cognisant of how bad they got it?
Lets hope not, poor b@stards


I was at home. Funnily enough I had been in Pakistan only a few days earlier so it was weird hearing that he'd been found and killed in the country when I got back to the UK.


At work in the break room; was watching it on TV. Then later when I went down to Subway I was telling the complete stranger behind the counter about it because he hadn't heard. It really brought us closer.
