MovieChat Forums > Linda Linda Linda (2005) Discussion > What was the point of this movie?

What was the point of this movie?

I can't understand how some people watched this movie multiple times. Why?

It's slow, monotonous, and boring. All you see are 4 girls talking, talking, and more talking.

Is the movie about the trials and tribulations of girlhood? Turn on MTV or the OC and you can see the same thing, albeit in a more entertaining fashion.

Bae Doo Na was completely distracting as well. Why the necessity for a Korean foreign exchange student? Her broken Japanese was painful to watch.



I can understand why certain individuals find this movie boring, my wife found it boring too.I loved it to the core and a welcome break from the mindless Hollywood flicks.every character is believable and you can identify with the character.It is just personal taste.
