MovieChat Forums > Linda Linda Linda (2005) Discussion > What was the point of this movie?

What was the point of this movie?

I can't understand how some people watched this movie multiple times. Why?

It's slow, monotonous, and boring. All you see are 4 girls talking, talking, and more talking.

Is the movie about the trials and tribulations of girlhood? Turn on MTV or the OC and you can see the same thing, albeit in a more entertaining fashion.

Bae Doo Na was completely distracting as well. Why the necessity for a Korean foreign exchange student? Her broken Japanese was painful to watch.


Well, I don't want this post to read like I'm a hipper than thou film freak and write things like screw off for not liking this because I can understand how people could find this overdrawn and boring.

I guess some people, myself included, are just drawn to this slower, minimal, and meticulously subtle type of aesthetic. The way it is employed in this film is interesting too, I think, as there is very little drama and conflict within these girls lives aside from their goal of performing the songs competently. The drama that does exist is not neatly resolved but a payoff still exists.

In short, it's a very familiar genre that gets a very unfamiliar treatment and we like to see that sometimes.


Very true. Do not think too much:)


Ooo-kay, but I hate every aspect of eMpTyV and The OC. I liked this movie... and watched it a few times over the weekend.

Do The Mussolini! Headkick!


Is the movie about the trials and tribulations of girlhood? Turn on MTV or the OC and you can see the same thing, albeit in a more entertaining fashion.

What's entertaining about bad acting, horrible writing, piss-poor directing and cliche plot twists?



I thought it was okay, but what "plot twists" are you talking about? My main dislike about the movie was the fact that there were not many key story points. I mean, after that one girl breaks her finger and they need to find a new singer, thats about it. They convince Son, and then the next hour is nothing. There are no plot points the entire time no solid sub-plots, and nothing happens until they oversleep.


Those are very strong points I think, Jerry. But I would have to respectfuly disagree that the film needed such plot points. It is meant to be a slice of life, true to reality type of narrative punctuated by long takes and periods of drawn out scenes and silence. I think that is what is most appreciated by most fans of this film.


"There are no plot points the entire time no solid sub-plots, and nothing happens until they oversleep."

That, and the obstacles that they're given and have to overcome are the exact same ones you'd see in the Disneyfied version of this plot. Oh no, they're running late! Will they ever make in time!? I DON'T KNOW! Son's got stage fright! Oh no, Scoob!

This movie was 75 minutes too long. I appreciate subtlety, I appreciate Japanese culture, but you can't have subtlety for subtlety's sake. If there was one scene to show how pointless the movie is, it's the scene when girl in the pool comes around to rejoining the band.

"Hey, Sensei wants to see you."

30 seconds pass.

"We need to talk about the band."

Girl sinks to the bottom of the pool.

15 seconds pass.

"I guess that's a no."

15 seconds pass.

Girl swims back up.

"Ok, I'll do it."


I'm sorry, but there's nothing subtle there. It's just painfully and awkwardly drawn out. This is not what life in Suburban/rural Japan is like. (Yes, I've lived there.) This entire film is just painfully slow. It's my least favorite Japanese movie I've ever seen. If you want to see what a really well-done subtle Japanese comedy looks like, rent Chicken Heart. That's how you write a movie without a "plot" or "conflict" but avoid it being sleep-inducing.


It's slow, monotonous, and boring. All you see are 4 girls talking, talking, and more talking.

Welcome to non-mainstream cinema, we hope you enjoy your stay.

Is the movie about the trials and tribulations of girlhood? Turn on MTV or the OC and you can see the same thing, albeit in a more entertaining fashion.

When you're trying to make a realistic, true-to-life story, The OC is not a good example to follow. Also, The OC is about as entertaining as taking a diarrhea dump.

Why the necessity for a Korean foreign exchange student?

Why not?

I like the way the film never makes a big deal about it or tries to explain it in some way. She's just a Korean exchange student and they recruit her for the band, and that's it. But, it makes the film more interesting, and Bae Du-Na is great.


Why people like this movie is very simple:

It's about these girls trying to be more than they are, but because of who and what they are, they know they are limited and yet it doesn't stop them from attempting to do something great in their eyes.

Son isn't very popular and she has a hard time with the Japanese language. She has trouble fitting in with the rest of the students and often prefers loneliness than others.

The biggest change for her character was when she got "drafted" into the band. Being with the band she finally experienced what it felt like to belong, and not only belong, but be apart of something greater than her. The band helped her break out of her shell and see and experience the Life around her that was passing her by.

Kai being the tough girl found through the band that she doesn't always need to be tough, that showing emotion isn't a sign of weakness and that bonding and trusting people around her won't lead to her downfall.

Kyoko and Nozomi are the only ones in the film who's side-stories don't progress their characters much (that I can see). What make's their characters relevant though is that Kyoko and Nozomi show the other two characters how to change.

Nozomi is the Sage character who is able to show just enough empathy at the right times to help Son and Kai realize things about their own lives.

Kyoko shows Kai that even though you can't speak your love, little gestures are more than enough to show it.

And the lyrics of the Linda linda linda song truly encapsulate what the entirety of the film is about... that we can't all be pretty, we can't all be smart or talented, but we can definitely try our best and if we try our best at whatever we want to do, the inner-beauty in all of us will shine through and squash any flaws that we have.

It's a very simple and very beautiful message. I was deeply touched after watching this film.



Wow, great post.


think back to your last day of high school.

I don't get it.



Simply as that..
