MovieChat Forums > Prey (2007) Discussion > More Big cats movies

More Big cats movies

Im looking for movies which include big cats (like lions tiger etc.)
Till now i know for: Duma , Two Brothers and Prey.
If anyone does know more similar movies i would be gretful!


Don't forget Garfield and Garfield II...


The Ghost and the Darkness, by far the best Lion movie of all time!

Wht about dat job i did for ju in Freedom Town Da Rebenga hit, wht was dat a game of dominoes,mang?


Lots of Disney movies from the 60's and 70's:
Napoleon and Samantha
In search of the castaways
A tiger walks!

Jaguar (old B movie with Sabu, but you won't find that one)and other Sabu movies like Jungle Book

But Roar is the big cat feast you should be looking for as someone mention it before.

Good (movie) hunt!


"Burning Bright"

its a movie about a girl trapped in a house with a tiger. not bad actually.


Life of Pi

Why would I save a world I no longer have any stake in?
